Thursday, June 2, 2016

colby-7 months

Here we are, at 7 months!  This was the first time I styled Colby's hair, and he looked like a stud. He must have been feeling it too, as seen in his pose, haha.
Just getting comfortable, Mom :)
Things to note this month: His two bottom teeth came in, he slept for 13 hours straight (His gift to me on Mother's Day), discovered his love for ice cream, learned how to drink from a cup, took a bottle from Daddy for the first time, learned how to clap, and says "Dada" a ton.
I'm having fun with his hair...
He drools so much, so he always has to wear his bandana bibs.  He kept hitting his left ear, so I was concerned that he may be getting an ear infection, but when I asked Dr. Joki, he said that a lot of times babies do that when they are teething.  They have a hard time differentiating between when the ears are hurting vs. the teeth because they are on the same nerve.  Makes sense, but it breaks my heart when he just keeps hitting his ear.  We really tried to work on getting Colby to take a bottle, and it was semi-successful.  He would take the bottle and sleep for a few hours, but then would have a hard time going back to bed.  I'm not sure if this was because he was drinking more or less milk than normal, or if it was because of his teething.  I guess we'll never know. 
These silly kids...

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