Monday, February 24, 2014

Naked Baby

 I am sorry, but those are the cutest buns ever.  Kevin and I had been talking about how we needed a few pics of her naked so you could see all her cute chubbs and see how big she is getting.  So, that night we decided to bring the camera with us to bath time :)  This girl LOVES her bath and loves splashing in the water. We are still using the bath sling, but she really likes to sit up in it, so I just purchased a non-slip cushion for the bottom of the tub and we will start using that.

 We love this cute little baby girl, but wish she would stop growing up so fast!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

8 Month Snapshot

Brooke was sleeping on the way home from church, but woke shortly after we came in the door.  I put her down for a quick picture, but obviously that really upset her!  I laugh though because she was all smiles within about 30 seconds.

Things to note this month: Went from sitting to tummy all by herself, cut her first 2 teeth on the bottom, had play dates with her cousin Kinley and a little boy from our ward (Brooks) who is a month older than Brooke, received the second part of her flu shot, pivots around to get desired object, had her second cold and started sleeping in our room again, added /g/, /b/ and /d/ to her babble, transitioned to Stage 2 baby foods, attended her first boat show, started waking up A LOT at night, and then a 3rd tooth came in (also on the bottom) at the end of month which explained her restlessness! She is still just as curious as ever and loves to reach and grab anything remotely in range.

I had to get the flowers in the picture because Kevin brought those home for "his girls".  Brooke has a good daddy :)
And last, but not least, Brooke has her first set of wheels!  Kevin was so excited about this purchase.  He had been telling me for weeks that Brooke's exersaucer was cool, but that it wasn't as great as it could be because it didn't have wheels, haha.  Well, we went on a family outing to Target, where Miss Brooke rode in the cart using the new cart cover her Grandma Meador made her, and we snagged these wheels :)  Her little feet barely reached the floor, but once we put her shoes on, she was able to move herself backwards by pushing off her foot.  It will be so cute when she can actually cruise around the house in this thing!