Wednesday, March 11, 2015

big girl undies

One evening, about 30 minutes before we were ready to start the bedtime routine, Brooke had a major poopy diaper.  I cleaned her up, but decided that rather than put her in a new diaper, I would put her in undies.  I bought the undies a few months ago, but just washed them and put them in her dresser drawer.  We weren't trying to potty train yet, but I wanted to be prepared for when we decided to take the plunge.

She seemed a little confused at first, but then I think she decided that undies were great :)  I seriously love this video and could watch it over and over. 
She was being so goofy, and wanted to brush her teeth and just run around like a crazy kid. Hopefully this means that when we do potty train, the pretty undies will be a motivating factor :)

february iPhone gems

 Tea parties have become a regular thing around here. She pulls out the blankets, her bumbo, and her adorable tea set.  This particular day, she also wanted her "yoyurk" to feed her little friends.  This girl cracks me up.
 She was sick for a few days with a cough and fever, but they both passed pretty quickly.  The thing that didn't pass was her decreased appetite.  She would hardly eat anything, which was making us pretty nervous.  Kevin started thinking that maybe she was allergic to something, which was causing her stomach to be upset?  We were really at a total loss, but one day, she said "Mama", "eat".  I asked her what she wanted to eat, and she wanted M & M's, haha.  I figured M & M's were better than nothing, so we sat and read books while she ate her treat.  The next day, she started eating again, so I really have no idea what that was all about.
 Like I mentioned in the last post, we spent A LOT of time indoors at the end of February, so Brooke snuck in a few work-outs :)
 And colored some pictures in Mama's bed :)
 Her hair is getting super long!  I need to learn how to do cute toddler hairstyles, but for now, she gets little pigtails.
 Our Bishop challenged us to read the Book of Mormon in 40 days, which we are doing.  Brooke found Kevin's pocket sized edition, and carried it around for a few days, haha.  I guess she just wanted to participate in the challenge as well.  (Listening to her try to say Book of Mormon was also super adorable.)
 You can never be too careful when you are pulling mac & cheese from the microwave!  She still loves her play kitchen, and I love to watch her "cook" and "wash" pots in the sink.
See what I mean about her hair getting so long??  She is growing up so quickly, but we enjoyed all our moments together in February, even when we were stuck in the house!

a little snow and ice

We had the craziest weather the last week of February and the first week of March! We had an ice storm first, which looked like snow, but was really just tiny balls of ice.  It started about 11 pm and was steady all night long.  I actually kind of enjoyed listening to it hit the windows as I was going to bed, but I was certainly grateful that I was nice and warm at home. I didn't take Brooke out the next day because we had both been sick, and I figured I needed to be a responsible parent.  But the next day, due to major cabin fever on both of our parts, we decided to go out and play in it.  Brooke had a blast with all her sand toys and she enjoyed scooping the ice with her little shovel.
 This was the happiest I had seen her all week!  We were running out of things to do inside the house. (The only positive was that I didn't spend much money that week since we literally didn't go anywhere.)
 Well, Texas decided that ice was not enough...we needed the real deal!  Brooke was a huge fan.  I dressed her in a million layers and pulled out the coat that I bought her for next year because I felt that it would repel the moisture from the snow more than her current coat.  I have a super cute video of when she first walked onto the snow.  Wasn't even a bit cautious, which surprised me.
 She, of course, requested every last toy in the garage.  We played with sand toys, her bubble machine, her soccer ball, T-ball set, and rake, haha.
It was beautiful out, with soft snow falling on our beanie-covered heads.  When I couldn't feel my fingers anymore, despite gloves, I figured it was time to take my little one inside. 

 On Saturday, since Kevin missed all the fun during the week, we bundled up and headed to the backyard.  At this point, the snow had kind of a crisp layer on the top, which broke when you stepped on it.  Made it tricky for Miss Brooke to walk around :( Then, it started to rain, so we only lasted about 10 minutes outside.  At least I have this adorable picture of Brooke and her Daddy.
 I needed a quick picture too, you know, to document that I was out there freezing my tush with the family :)
 When we came inside, after peeling off all our layers and running our hands under warm water to get the feeling back, Brooke asked for a popsicle.  She is nuts, but we love her!