Friday, January 30, 2015

Nursery Girl

Brooke started attending nursery on December 7th, which went off without a hitch.  Kevin and I walked her in, she saw all the toys, and she just started playing.  No reservations, no clinging to our legs, no crying!  It was great, and we were relieved.  It was so strange to leave her there though.  We kinda lingered for a few minutes, and Kevin asked the nursery worker "So, how does this work?".  He kinda chuckled and informed us that the first hour they just played with toys, then they had a snack, some sort of little lesson, and singing time. We offered to give them our phone numbers in case they needed to call or text us, and he just said that he would look them up if he needed them.  Okay, then.  

We saw that Brooke was doing fine, so we headed off to Sunday School.  We checked on her a few times during the remainder of church, and she was perfectly happy.  The Primary chorister had gone to do singing with them apparently, because I saw her after church and the first words out of her mouth, were "Brooke Lynn was an absolute angel."  Something every parent wants to hear, i imagine.  We were all feeling pretty good about nursery.  

The next week was not quite the same story!  We walked in, and multiple kids were crying.  She immediately clung to my legs and would not play with anything.  I ended up staying for maybe 10 minutes until the crying ceased, she became interested in the toys, and I was able to sneak away.  The rest of nursery went well.  I checked on her again during third hour, and she was drawing on the chalkboard with all the other kids.  It seemed weird to see her in a little class with little friends. But cute, nonetheless. 

Her attendance in nursery the next few weeks was sporadic due to sickness, but for the most part, she was happy to be there, and we normally just stayed for a few minutes while she became comfortable. The nursery leaders also asked us to sub last minute a few times in January, and that was interesting!  I think nursery is such a hard calling, especially when you have criers, and kids visiting.  One particular week, this mom dropped off two kids (one of which I am 99% sure was maybe only one), then went off to class.  The baby was crying and seemed terrified.  I was trying to comfort him, but he just cried and cried.  I finally told Kevin that I was going to try and find his mom (if I could remember what she looked like), because everyone was miserable listening to the poor kid cry.  Kevin, in all seriousness, said, "You're coming right back, right?"  Hahaha, there were probably 6 other kids in nursery, which understandably was a bit overwhelming. 

Took this picture during snack time as I peeked through the door!  Brooke, who normally doesn't sleep in the car anymore, falls asleep on the drive home from church a lot these days.  Maybe a combination of the new church time, and the fact that nursery is exhausting!
One week, she actually stayed away on the drive home.  When we were getting Brooke out of the car, I told Kevin, "She's awake, do you know what that means?"  He paused a second, then said "Snack time", haha.  He's got to know me better than that!  Sunday pictures, of course :)  Started off with a little Sunday Selfie:
Brooke was being a goof, and I look like a freak in all the pictures because I was trying to get her to smile and look at the camera.
Ended the photo sesh with this darling picture.  If only I didn't forget her pink belt...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Beautiful Texas

We had some of the most glorious weather in January!  We enjoyed a LOT of time outdoors, which mean that Brooke was a happy camper.  I love that she enjoys being outside so much.  She would be content to swing at the park for hours, or watch the ducks, or play with her bat and ball, or get handfuls of mulch and dirt from our planter boxes :)
One particular Saturday, when it was especially beautiful, we took a family walk to feed the ducks.  Brooke lights up when we see those ducks walking around, and they must have been hungry because they actually came onto the grass where we could feed them.  Normally, they just stay in the water, and if the wind is blowing, it is a bit tricky to get the bread to them.  Let's be honest, Brooke generally just eats the bread, and we do the throwing.

After the ducks, we spent some time at the park, then headed home to go inside.  (Both Kevin and I have been suffering from what we think is allergies.)  Brooke, however, had her own plans. She ran to the garage and wanted her "bat" and "ball", "please". So, we played a little t-ball, and she was actually making contact with the ball, then would go retrieve it herself.  So cute :)
Then she was ready for a little soccer :)  She really just wanted to pick up the ball to throw it to Daddy, so we are working on the "kick" aspect of the game.
These pictures are from another afternoon walk to feed the ducks.  I have been experimenting more with her hair, and I love how her little pigtails turned out :)  The yellow sweater was a sweater my Grandma made for me when I was a baby.  
A random collection of adorable park moments...
One afternoon, after a delicious lunch with friends, we headed outside to enjoy the fresh air.  Brooke became fast friends with Hudson, whom she lovingly calls "Huds".  He is SO sweet with her, and went down the slide with her several times.  My favorite was when they went down the twirly slide together, Hudson's arm around Brooke's waist, and smiling ear to ear!  We love our friends :)