Wednesday, December 2, 2015

colby-one month old

Our little guy is one month old!! I decided that this white chair would be the perfect spot for his monthly pictures.  I wanted to incorporate his cute puppy from G & G Meador so we could see how much he was growing each month, but it turns out that getting a newborn to stay upright was a little trickier than I imagined.  When I showed it to Kevin, he thought it was cute, but commented that he liked the ones I did with Brooke on the rug because you could see her length,  So, we did some of those as well...
And Brooke wanted to join in on the fun.  She looks so long next to Colby!!
Things to note this month: He is growing so quickly, and he is getting too big for his newborn clothes.  After I took his pictures, I retired these adorable onesies :(  At his two week check-up, he was 8 lbs 3 ounces, and 20.75 inches long.  He nurses every 2-3 hours, but only on one side.  After about 15-20 minutes of nursing, he is sleeping peacefully. If you lay him down, he will sleep about 45 minutes.  If you hold him, he will sleep for hours.  He knows what he likes, and he's sticking to it!  Because of his preference for being held, he spends a lot of the night in our bed, which hopefully will change due to my back issues.  I need to get that sweet boy sleeping in his bassinet, and for MUCH longer stretches of time. Mr. Colby is a very gassy baby, and has some of the smelliest gas I've ever smelt.  It's a good thing he is so cute, haha.  His cord fell off when he was 11 days old, and Colby enjoyed his first real bath on day 12.  He loves his baths, his pacifier (just like Brooke), and snuggles. 

And to finish the month, I finally got around to taking his pictures in this adorable caterpillar outfit my friend Rachel gave him.  He makes a darling caterpillar, in my humble opinion.

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