Sunday, July 6, 2014


Poor girl woke up on Easter morning with another fever!  She has been struggling with fevers on and off for the past few weeks, with no other symptoms.  I took her to the pediatrician once, and she checked out as healthy.  We were thinking it was teething related, but no new teeth came through, and the Doctor said it was more likely due to a virus.  We decided to only go to the third hour of church since Kevin was teaching, then headed up to Flower Mound.
I am probably an awful mother to make her take pictures when she was not feeling well, but I needed a picture of her in her Easter dress from Grammie.
The Easter bunny brought Brooke a new dolly (so we could have a spare), a ducky, some yogurt melts, and a duck spoon and fork set.

We enjoyed a yummy dinner with our family, and between Brooke's two naps, she was able to sleep almost 5 hours. 
Grandma had Easter buckets for the girls and lots of eggs filled with treats, but Brooke didn't seem to have a lot of energy.  She did put some of the eggs in her bucket, but needed some assistance from Daddy :)  She has almost no color in her cheeks! It is the absolute worst when you can't do anything to help your child.  Towards the end of the evening, she was just laying on my chest, totally lethargic.
Hopefully next year she will be healthy so she can enjoy all the fun activities associated with Easter :)

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