Monday, July 7, 2014

11 Month Snapshot

Things to note this month: Brooke's first trip to the Dallas Zoo (called most animals /duh/), took small steps as she pushed her music table, reached down to pick up toys from standing, started sleeping 12 hours at night and skipping an afternoon nap, started saying /puh/ for her puffs and /daw/ for her dolly, laughed so much when I would blow on her tummy, ran a fever off and on for a few weeks, celebrated her first Easter, received a blessing from her Daddy,  responded with /wack, wack/ when you asked her what a duck says, flew to Utah and did terrible on the flight!!, met her cousin Eloise for first time, went to Uncle Jeffrey's BYU graduation, took family pictures, attended Eloise's baby blessing, saw lots of family and friends, took a walk around BYU campus, drove down to San Antonio with G + G Meador, started saying /bye/ with her wave and /pop/ for popcorn popping song, put Brooke in her new pool floaty but she didn't move much in the freezing water,  got another tooth on top, suffered from some constipation (went 6 days with no bowel movement), and figured out her bathtub squirter toy. 

Our only picture from the Zoo!  Brooke unfortunately couldn't see a lot from her stroller, so I tried to pick her up and point to animals as much as possible.  I actually really love the Zoo, so hopefully we will go often once Brooke is a little older.

Loves her occasional play dates with Brooks, who is 6 weeks older than her, and oh so adorable!

She is in love with this mirror in our room!  She crawls over to it, kisses it, pounds on it, and stares at her cute face :)

Started pulling up with her baby stroller, but needs a lot of assistance to push it forward,

Only one more month until our baby girl is ONE!!

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