Wednesday, July 9, 2014

12 Month Snapshot

Things to note this month:  Said /wawa/ when she wanted water or when you asked her if she was thirsty, started pointing for desired objects, started what we refer to as her "smunch" face (was imitating Daddy who was being silly), tried frozen yogurt and was a HUGE fan, had a few playdates with cousin Kinley, attempted to wink at us, said /bo/ for book and /baw/ for ball and even looked for those items when asked where they were, rolled the ball intentionally to me for first time, tried saying moo and baa in imitation when we were playing with her animal puppets, did really well with a bottle on several occasions (which was comforting since Trek was only a few weeks away), tried apple slices and peanut butter, suffered with some constipation issues again, found a love for prunes (which was great for the constipation issues), pushed her stroller ALL over the house and even figured out how to turn it to go in the direction she wanted, loved her visit from family for her birthday week, started saying /that/ when she pointed at things, started saying /yum/ and /num/ when she was eating, became quite the fast crawler but still prefers to hold our hands when she walks, and had her first birthday party!!  It was a busy month, but I have been enjoying this age SO MUCH :)
I made a fool of myself on the front porch one day while trying to get a cute picture for her birthday party invitation.  But in the end, I think it was a success :)

This girl loves her peppered turkey lunch meat.  One day, she somehow flung the turkey on her nose.  I started cracking up, but she just stared at me and left the meat there, haha.  She really is a great eater, and for that, I am thankful.

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