Wednesday, January 8, 2020

mornings are not our jam

After having three weeks off for Christmas Break, we were not the least bit ready to get back into the swing of things!  We had attempted to get the kids back on their normal schedule several days before school started, but nothing can really prepare you for your normal morning routine after vacation.  Brooke actually woke up fairly easily, but Colby was still SO out of it when I brought him down the stairs. I always take him in his jammies anyway, so he gets to go as-is, but for some reason his hair was extra crazy that morning. I set him on the counter because he requested some orange juice, and despite me turning off most of the overhead lights, he was still squinty eyed.

As I looked at him, I felt like his presence totally exemplified how we all felt.  Mornings are most definitely NOT our jam, haha.  But I love how snuggly they both are in the morning, so something positive comes out of every struggle, right? 

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