Monday, November 12, 2018

3 year old pics

While we were doing family pictures, Danielle took a few pictures of Colby. I love this balloon tradition, but holy cow, it was such a disaster trying to get the balloons!  I went to Party City, picked out the balloons, waited in the long Halloween lines, only to find out that they were completely out of helium.  The store manager informed me that all the Party City stores were out of helium, which just seemed weird.  (Turns out they had a medical shortage of helium nationwide, so party stores didn't get their normal shipments.) I called around to multiple other places, and finally found helium at Market Street.  

The only problem was that they only had small balloons, so we went with those this year.  It definitely helped with the cost, haha, and I had a feeling that I should get 4 balloons just in case one popped.  I am certainly glad I did, because within a minute of getting the balloons out of the car, one popped!  It was SO windy, and I'm amazed that Danielle even got one picture with the balloons upright!  A few moments later, another ballon popped, so we were officially done with the birthday pictures!
Happy third birthday, little guy!!

1 comment:

  1. you are a blogging machine! these pictures were so fun to take. i love your kids so much! (and you + kevin too.)
