Sunday, May 30, 2021

baptism pictures

A few weeks before Brooke's baptism, I took her to the temple to take pictures for her invitation.  I wasn't intending to wait until the last minute, but with all the rain we've had, that's what happened.  It was a beautiful day, but I knew that the direct sun was going to make things a bit tricky.  

She was in LOVE with her dress and especially her shoes (her first pair of heels), so I made sure to get a few candid shots of her adjusting the shoes. 
As soon as I started taking pictures, I just became so emotional.  My beautiful girl was preparing to make such an important decision and she had the most beautiful sparkle in her eyes. When she saw the tears in my eyes, she said, "Mom, it's okay!"  I just love this girl to pieces and I'm proud of her desire and decision to be baptized.
I have a picture of her standing in this spot when she was probably 3 or 4, so it's fun to have a similar picture near her baptism. Who knows? Maybe she'll get sealed in the Dallas temple as well :)
She also wanted a few pictures showing her "emblems of belonging" ring with the temple on it. 
We went back to the car for her full slip, then took a few more...
I hope she understands, at least a little bit, how important this decision is.  It's the first step on her pathway back to our Heavenly Father. 
She looked radiant!  We had ordered several dresses on Amazon and this was the clear winner.  She felt (and looked) like a little princess. The headband was also from Amazon and added the perfect touch of glitz and glamor.
Colby told Brooke how gorgeous she looked, then she quickly said, "Come here, buddy!" and pulled him in close for a picture. 
My whole heart just about burst!
Colby had the idea to use this little green sprig next to the Book of Mormon and it was total perfection...
Grandma and Papa are giving her a set of engraved scriptures for her baptism (a tradition Grandma and Grandpa GG started), but I still wanted a few pictures of her reading the copy she already had. 
I love this picture of her looking towards the temple. I hope I can always teach her to keep her vision set on the temple.  During my time as Young Women's President, I remember being taught that EVERY single thing we are doing in the organization should lead the girls to the temple. As a mother, I should be keeping that same goal.  Encouraging her to remain worthy to enter the Lord's house, and understanding the sacredness of what takes place there. 
Can't wait for her special day!!

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