Saturday, May 30, 2020

back at hawaiian falls

We were thrilled when Hawaiian Falls opened after a cancelled Memorial Day opening!! So much is unknown right now, and restrictions seem to change weekly, but thankfully some water parks were finally deemed "safe".  The lifeguards all wore masks, and they sanitized the handles of the mats from this slide between each user, but overall, it felt like a normal day in the park.  (They didn't sanitize the handles of any of the tubes, so I'm not sure how they figured those were any different, but I still felt like it was safe.)
The best part was that the kids both carried their own mats up the stairs.  Last year, Colby would only go to the top with me, but it was nice that he had a bit more courage this year. He finds a lot of comfort in Brooke's presence, and I'm so grateful for that.
We ran into the Hawkins family while there, and the kids (Brooke, Marlie, and Colby) surprised me and wanted to ride the Cliffhanger together.  About 5 stairs up they yelled for help and I ended up carrying the triple tube to the top for them, but nobody chickened out and they said it was SO fun!
We stayed there a few hours, then Kevin left to go shop for new work shoes.  Our plan was to go out for a boat ride that afternoon, but we ended up having such a blast at Hawaiian Falls that we didn't leave until after 5.  We invited the Hawkins family to join us on the boat, and they were excited to come.  We both drove through Chick-fil-a for dinner, then dealt with a mess of traffic at the marina before finally enjoying a beautiful evening together.
Times are different, but days like this allow mw to take a break from the current issues facing our world. 

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