Monday, August 31, 2015

August iphone gems

Brooke (AKA Dr. Meador) is in love with her doctor kit from the Hawkins family.  She gives regular check-ups to Kevin and I, her babies, and all her stuffed animals.  She prefers to give the check-ups on this particular couch :)  She also has a book about going to the hospital and going to the doctor, so she knows all about the stethoscope, otoscope, and blood pressure pump.  It's pretty cute to see her in action.
Going to Kroger is no big deal because Miss Brooke loves to "drive" these carts.  Depending on the day, you will find her in the blue, green, or red car.  This particular day, I made the mistake of going near the toy section of the store. She immediately told me that she wanted to get out of the cart, so we browsed for a few minutes.  Not surprisingly, she gravitated towards the baby dolls and wanted to carry them in the baby carrier.  I was actually planning on buying her one for when our baby gets here, so I was glad to see that she liked it.  I let her play with it for a bit, and then made her put it back so we could go pay for our groceries.
This picture cracks me up!  She was super tired after two days of no naps.  She would play in her crib for 2+ hours, and not go to sleep!  She would sing to herself (favorites were "I hope they call me on a mission", complete with actions, and "Wheels on the Bus"), and play with her animals, but for some reason could not fall asleep.  On day 2 of not napping, I finally went upstairs to get her.  I said "Brooke, are you having a hard time falling asleep", to which she replied, "I already waked up!", hahaha.  I told her that she never actually went to sleep!!
One evening, we went out front while Kevin did the yard work.  Brooke would repeatedly say "Go Daddy", and "Good Job Daddy".  When I told her that Daddy couldn't hear her, Brooke said, "Can I shout?"  Hahaha.  She really is such a good little cheerleader :)
My friend Joanna is one of the nursery leaders, and she sent me this picture of Brooke a few weeks ago.  She said that Brooke wore those glasses for a solid 15 minutes and did not want to take them off.  What a goof!  And of course she had the baby dolls close by.
It is still super hot here in Texas, but we play at the park regardless.  I just take multiple showers a day!  Brooke can now climb up on the teeter-totter by herself, which she is pretty proud of.  She also "needed" to wear my sunglasses, so I let her for a few minutes.
We call this the "Brookie trick".  Not sure when she started doing this, but she does it pretty often and has really good balance.  She thinks it is hilarious.  And her favorite treat is chocolate chips (pictured in her bowl).  One afternoon, I asked her if she needed some water.  She said, "Yes, and chocolate chips", haha.  A girl after my own heart.
Despite the heat, we had one random day of 70 degree weather, which was so amazing!!  Reminded me of Spring.  So, we took advantage and went to feed our ducky and turtle friends.
Since I knew the rest of the week was supposed to be super hot again, we ventured to the backyard so I could pull weeds and trim up our trees.  We had been out there about an hour, and I was just finishing up with the last of the weeds, when I noticed something moving by the wood pile.  I freaked out when I realized that it was a snake!  Brooke was literally two feet away watching a bug that was at the bottom of the rain gutter.  I wasn't quite sure what to do, and I had the stupid idea that maybe I should try and cut it since I had pruning shears in my hand.  Just typing that out reiterates what a dumb idea that was.  Thankfully, I didn't attempt the cut.  But, I did grab a large piece of wood off the pile, threw it down on top of the snake, and tried to push down on the wood with my foot in an attempt to sever the snake.  That was a big failure though because the ground was a little soft and the snake slithered off into the wood pile.  I grabbed Brooke and we headed to the front yard.  I texted a picture to my Dad, and when we talked later, he mentioned that it was probably a garden snake, which would help keep rodents away.  I have no idea what kind of snake it is, but I DO know that I don't want any kind of snake in my backyard!  I hope that maybe somehow I injured it with my log trick and it slithered away and died.  But, I am afraid that's probably wishful thinking.  Now I am just afraid to go in the back :(
I figure we're safe to just play bubbles in the front yard, which we did a few days later. 
 Or do some coloring in the house...
 Help Mama make the dinner...
 Or help with the grocery shopping...
 Not sure if I wrote about this on the blog, but Brooke has grown 2.5 inches since July 5th!  I knew that she was growing because all of her clothes were short on her.  When we were at G & G Meador's house a few weeks ago, we measured Brooke on their laundry room door, and sure enough, she was 2.5 inches taller!  She looks so grown up to me, and her legs look so long in this picture from the dinosaur park over at the shops in Cedar Hill.
 Last Saturday, we went to Kinley's soccer game, which was a lot of fun.
 I adore this picture of Brooke and Aubrey!!  Brooke tends to not want to hold hands with friends because she likes to do her own thing, but she went right over to Aubrey, took her hand, and was leading her around the field while the parents made a bridge for the little girls to run under after their game.
August was a busy month, but we were able to enjoy lots of time together as a family.  Oh, and the boat is finally fixed, so we went for a little boat ride on Saturday evening, followed by dinner at the marina restaurant.  Hard to believe that today is September 1st, and most likely, our baby boy will arrive NEXT MONTH!!  Woo-hoo :)

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