Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"Kinley Aubrey"

We enjoyed another fun swim day with Kinley, Aubrey, Auntie Mel Mel, and Grandma.  I think it's cute that anytime we do something fun, Brooke wants her cousins to come to.  But she doesn't refer to them as individuals, it is always "Kinley Aubrey".   
We spent a few hours at the pool, and even ate a picnic poolside.
Brooke has never really understood how to use her kick board, and whenever I would try to demonstrate, she simply wanted to do it "right by self", so I just let her do what she wanted with it.  Kinley actually knows how to use her kick board, so she was a great example for Brooke to follow.  They had a good 'ol time with their boards in the shallow pool.  (And I'm grateful that Melanie was able to get a few pictures.)
The days are hot, but it is totally bearable when you are in the water. And all the tables are placed in the shade, which is so nice when you need a break from the direct sun. We're thankful to have 2 out of 3 cousins close by :)

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