Friday, January 25, 2019

uncle jeffrey

When your brother has a two hour layover at DFW Airport on his way home from Singapore, you head right on over to see him!  I hadn't seen him since he came to watch our kids while we went on the youth trip to Nauvoo, which was 18 months ago!!  That is just so sad :(  I sincerely wish we lived closer because I love hanging out with him, love his wife, and adore his cute kids.  Sadly (for me), they are moving to Singapore this summer, so my chances of seeing them more often are rather slim.  I feel terrible that we never made it to their house in the last 5 years they've lived in Pittsburgh, but I guess we have a few more months to make it up there. 

He was so cute with my kids, and Colby was especially smitten.  I'm grateful that my brother takes the time to call me every week so we can catch up and he can get the scoop on the kids.  I can feel of his love for them, and I know they can feel it, too. 
By the time he made it through customs and we found each other in the parking garage, we only had about 30 minutes together, but it was totally worth it!

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