Wednesday, April 27, 2016

bluebonnet family pictures

I am absolutely in love with all of these pictures!  I have some seriously talented friends.  Danielle took these pictures for us, and I am so so thrilled with how they turned out.  I wanted them to be more candid shots, especially since Brooke was still not a huge fan of getting her picture taken.  We kept telling Brooke that "we were going to pick flowers with Miss Danielle."  Worked like a charm :)  Basically, Danielle is a miracle worker and was able to capture some of the most precious moments.  I will forever cherish these pictures...
It was crazy windy that day (like 25 mph winds!) and a storm was rolling in.  I was afraid that we'd have to cancel our session, which was so disappointing because there's no telling how long the bluebonnets will be in bloom.  But it all ended up working out.  Although our hair was a little disheveled, the temperature was perfect, and we didn't have the sun and shadows to deal with.  
And just to compare...this was Brooke at the same time last year...
Clearly, I am nowhere near the photographer Danielle is, and the bluebonnets were basically dead by the time I got around to taking her pictures, haha. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! it's all about the timing. and i apologize for any of the potty words i had to say to get brooke to smile. y'all are the best! ♥
