Tuesday, January 26, 2016

the littles in january

I can't remember everything that happened in January, so I'm happy that I have iPhone pictures to remember some of the little moments.  I have been awful at using my real camera to take pictures though, and I really want to do better about that!  But here it goes...
Brooke likes to be all up in Colby's business, haha.  She will make comments like, "When I get little, I'll grab the toys", or "When I get little, I'll fit in this car seat."  I try to remind her that she won't be getting any littler, but that she can teach Colby how to do big kid things.  She mostly understands :)
One evening, as we were waiting for her sheets to try, she built tall towers of blocks with her Daddy.  And her love of princess dresses is still strong!
Since we have church from 1-4, Brooke no longer gets a nap on Sunday.  Which means that she always wants her paci on the drive home from church and is extra snuggly when I get her out of the car.  Perfect time for a picture with my sweet girl. As soon as we walked into the house though and she saw that huge box of chocolates, she perked right up.  A girl after my own heart!  She had to sample a few before she found one that she actually liked.
And Colby was looking especially handsome in his little red penguin tie.
Brooke is all about her nails these days.  I use my LED light to cure the polish so we don't have no wait as long for it to dry.  It is still a long process, but I enjoy having that time with her.  The only thing I don't love is that the polish starts coming off after a few days, and then she wants to fix all her nails!  I may start using gel polish to avoid this issue because nobody has time to fix nails every day or two.
When Colby naps, I am trying to spend one-on-one time with Brooke.  Don't get me wrong, I love to do it, but I have to tell myself not to worry about the long list of things I need to get done.  It seems like I can never stay caught up with laundry, cleaning, ironing, bills, blogging, etc.  I know that spending time with my kids is more important, but I also hate feeling like my house is messy and that I am behind on everything.  It's still very much a balancing act, but I think I am getting better at it.

One day, we were watching a movie together, and Brooke was especially snuggly.  Maybe she needed some Mommy time as much I needed some time with her.  She wanted to hold my hand as we snuggled under the blanket. Moments like this make me really stop and appreciate the life that I have.
Then she laid her sweet head on my lap and I couldn't believe how long her hair was. I think I made a comment to her about it, and she responded with something about her hair being "golden" like Rapunzel.  She's a doll :) With freshly painted fingernails, of course.
The days were still pretty chilly in January, but we still spent some time outside since we were all getting a little cabin fever.  Colby was always in the K'tan wrap or in his stroller, so he was nice and toasty. Brooke felt the need to bring her baby to the park as well.
She still loves to play soccer.  I have a hard time convincing her to wear her hair up, so it's always a crazy mess as she runs back and forth on the field.  One day she will realize my wisdom and the fact that she does, indeed, need a hair tie!
My tuckered-out princess...
Nap times were getting a little dicey at the end of January.  Some days, she fell asleep quickly, but other days it took 45+ minutes to get her to sleep.  I would have to remind her a thousand times to close her eyes, and she would FINALLY pass out.  She would then sleep for 2-3 hours, which was great because I could get lots done.  But trying to balance her and Colby while I got her down for a nap was downright exhausting at times!!
I can't remember what prompted this outfit, haha, but I think we must have opened her closet for something and she saw her tutus and dress-up clothes.  She was a Christmas fairy, I guess?
This picture cracks me up!  We were sitting down to eat dinner, and Colby was a little fussy in his car seat (which was sitting on the counter as I prepared the meal). So, I told Kevin to grab his changing pad since he is always happy on that thing.  He placed in on the table, which totally made it look like Colby was either being offered up as a sacrifice, or just a really cute table centerpiece :)  Either way, he was happy during dinner and that's what mattered.
 A quick Sunday picture, and yes, my decorations were still up.  I decided that I wasn't super concerned about getting them down quickly because I was still enjoying them!  And its a lot of work to un-decorate your home.  I think I finally took down the decorations mid-January because the Senior missionary couple in our ward wanted to come over and I felt a little embarrassed. It was good motivation though because I got it all done in about 3 hours.
We spent more time at the park when the weather was more mild.
Brooke helped Daddy pick out some shoes, hahaha!  We decided to do a little shopping at Grapevine mills to get ready for our trip to Miami, and when Kevin was looking at shoes, Brooke found these purple shiny gems.  She was pretty adamant that Daddy try them on :)  Jerry and Bev met us at the mall, so we snagged a quick picture at the Rainforest Cafe.  We didn't eat there (SO expensive, my goodness), but Brooke sure enjoyed the decorations and fish tanks outside.
 Did I mention that late church is brutal?? Well, it is.  I also love that when she falls asleep in the car, she totally has a double chin, haha.  I am sure she will appreciate this picture when she's a teenager.  She looks like a wreck.
Seeing these pictures reminds me that I really need to look again for a double stroller on Craigslist.  I was trying to avoid it because I love my stroller, and double jogging strollers are super expensive. But the day that we tried to meet Joanna to feed the ducks, we had to improvise.  Brooke started out walking, which she didn't mind at all, but I quickly realized that it was going to take us an hour to get to the ducks.  When I walk briskly, it takes about 20 minutes.  When walking with a toddler, triple that!!  So about 5 minutes into the walk, I asked Brooke if she wanted to sit on the front.  I felt a little bad because she couldn't put her head back, but she thought it was amazing.  I love that little girl.
And I love my happy baby...
Colby really has the most pleasant demeanor, and I feel incredibly lucky.  He is pretty easy going, which is so helpful when balancing life with two children.  Being a stay at home mom is hard work, but I really love my time with these little ones.

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