Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Festivities

Christmas Eve happy moments: making and decorating sugar cookies, cooking, watching Elf, building Brooke's retro kitchen (we're talking 4-5 hours here!! the amazon reviews were no lie), and reading the Christmas story in Luke.
The not-so-happy Christmas Eve moments: Brooke's horrible temper tantrum right as we were about to sit down to dinner.  I had never (nor since), seen a tantrum quite like this from our sweet girl.  Apparently she didn't want to come sit down for dinner, and she was screaming and threw herself on the floor.  I quickly took her to my room to try to get her to calm down, but it only made things worse.  She didn't want me to hold her, but she didn't want me to walk away.  I don't think she KNEW what she wanted, or needed, but it was not pretty.  I honestly was so upset with her behavior, on Christmas Eve no less :(  Before going in my room, I had told my family to please start dinner.  Well, after 10 minutes or so in my room, Brooke had calmed down, so we tried to go back out.  When we were nearing the dining room table, she lost it again.  And nobody was eating, which made me frustrated. I told everyone to please eat while the food was hot, and Kevin and I both went to our room to try to figure Brooke out, haha.  He was trying to hold her and make her calm down, which wasn't working, so we finally walked away and I honestly can't remember how long it took for her to pull herself together.  We finally joined the rest of the family for dinner, but my nerves were a mess, and Kevin felt bad because Brooke wouldn't even go to him anymore.  So, after dinner we bathed Brooke and put her to bed in hopes that she would be her happy self on Christmas morning.

Christmas Morning:
Brooke loved her new kitchen from Santa, and her pots/pans and fridge set from my parents.
In the afternoon, Jerry and Bev came over to join in on the celebration.  The Peacocks weren't able to come because Kinley was throwing up all night, poor girl! The men (with Brooke) were grilling the tri-tip.
Sitting down to a delicious meal, and thankfully, Brooke wanted to eat dinner and was on her best behavior.
Opening a few more gifts: Play food from the Peacocks to go with her kitchen, and a fun train set from G + G Meador.
We really had a beautiful Christmas with both sides of the family. With the exception of what we lovingly refer to as "Brooke's Christmas Eve Episode", the holiday went perfectly. Most importantly, we were able to think about the Savior and his role in our lives.

Merry Christmas Brookie Bear :)

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