Thursday, February 11, 2016

matching with my girl

When I was pregnant with Brooke, I looked forward to the day that I would be able to wear matching clothes with my little girl.  My friend Megan (from church) gave me a hard time about how I always tried to coordinate my Sunday outfits with Brooke when she was a baby.   Sometimes I didn't intentionally do it, but since I picked colors I loved for Brooke, it just coordinated with things I already had.
This particular Sunday(2/28/16), I think Brooke was feeling pretty cute in her new jewelry she received as a valentine from her cousins Kinley and Aubrey. When I pointed out that we were matching, she agreed to let me take her pictures, and then even took a picture with me.  These pictures are pretty precious to me.  The days are sometimes long, but I love being a Mom and I am trying to cherish each moment because I feel like she is growing up so quickly.  I have the cutest conversations with her, and she says the funniest things.  One quick story: At the beginning of February, I was in my room trying to get Colby down for a nap.  Brooke kept coming in my room, and I told her to play quietly in the living room.  She ran in a few minutes later, and my initial reaction was frustration because I was having a hard time with Colby.  Then she whispered, "I love you Mama", and turned around and ran out again. It was the first time I think she initiated the expression of love, and it made my entire day.  (And I am really glad I didn't say something about her getting out of the room, I would have felt terrible and she would have been so shut down.)
Oh, and one more funny story.  The weekend before this picture was taken, I was nursing Colby on the couch.  Kevin was in the kitchen, so I asked him to make Brooke a smoothie.  I normally do all the smoothie making around here, so I offered him a little guidance.  I said, "Use the single serve blending cup, but just follow the proportions on the bag of the frozen berries."  I saw him get the bag of frozen fruit from the freezer and measure out one cup of berries.  The blending cup was almost full, and he turned to me and said, "Are 3 cups going to fit in here?" (Which was what the recipe on the bag called for...but I had told him to just follow the proportions of fruit to milk/yogurt, etc.)  I must have given him a funny look, and said "Kevin", in a kind of joking way, and Brooke goes "Are you serious?" to Kevin.  Hahahahaha.  I was dying laughing.  It was said at the perfect moment, and in the perfect situation.  Just hilarious.  Love that girl!

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