Monday, May 28, 2012

February Happenings

Wow, it is a little ridiculous how far behind I am in blogging, but I am going to do my best at catching up.  Life for Kevin and I has been busy with work and church callings, but we have managed to make some fun memories over the last 5 months.

February 19th marked one year in our house, which was crazy.  The past year has flown by.  When we moved a year ago, my parents and sister/unpacker extraordinaire were here to help.  My parents decided to come back and visit that same week, and Kimberly came down from New York.  We loved having them here.  I am thinking we should make this a yearly tradition.

Here are a few pics from their visit.  We attempted to go to Vizcaya, but apparently they are closed on Tuesdays.  I felt like a total idiot, but we made the most of it and enjoyed a yummy meal and some shopping instead.  Mom, Dad, and Kimberly took a trip out to Shark Valley when Kevin and I had to work.  Then Mom, Dad, and I went to the Coral Castle after Kimberly had to return to New York.

Apparently Dad wanted to be included in the glamour shots, haha.

 This is the Florida table.  I am pointing to where we live on the "map", in case you are wondering :)

We loved having them visit, and I loved the evenings of just chatting and laughing together. The only down side was that Jeffrey was not here.  Hopefully next time he can come!!  And Madison of course. (Wedding post coming soon.)

1 comment:

  1. Yay you posted! How fun. If anyone's dying to visit Seattle . . . we'd welcome visitors!
