Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mrs. Murder

I definitely have more important things to blog about, like the wonderful visit from the fam, but I just had a minute and wanted to share a few funny stories. Well, at least they are funny for me. The first story is about work. Let me preface this by saying that for some reason, the kids have a hard time remembering my name. The mentally handicapped kids are allowed to call me by my first name, and they have it down pat. The rest of the kids have a tendency to refer to me as "speech", haha. A few of them remember my name, but it is a select few. Instead, when I walk down the halls at school, the little kids yell "speech" and come and hug me :) It is kind of endearing, but also kind of pathetic that I apparently have no name.

Anyway, I decided that I needed to remind them of my name. I had just picked up my first graders (6 of them!!) and I reminded them of my name. I had them all say it aloud and they seemed to remember. Two days later, one of them called me "speech" again, so I asked the group..."Who can remember my name?" They all sit there, trying to remember, and one kid yells out "Mrs. Murder". And they all start saying, "I knew that", or "I was going to say that." LOL. I literally was cracking up. I told them they were pretty close!! Since last week, they have done a pretty good job of remembering.

My first graders are hilarious. I decided to do an activity with a book my mom bought me, called "Sloppy Joe." Once I got all the kids sitting correctly (which is a task in and of itself), I showed them the book and asked if anyone could read the title. They all sit there, trying to sound it out, and one kid shouts out, "Sloppy Hoe". Hahaha. And again, they all chime in with, "I was going to say that", etc. I probably shouldn't have laughed, but I did. Then I congratulated him on getting the first word right, but told him to look at the second word again. It is never dull with these kids.

And the last story comes, not from my students, but from Kevin :) We were talking the other day as we were making dinner and he made some comment about having 4 kids. I said, "Only 4?", to which he responded, "Katie, I'm almost 90, we will be lucky if we get 4." Maybe you had to be there, but I was cracking up because he said it totally seriously.

That's all. Just wanted to share a few things that made me laugh recently!!


  1. ha ha ha Mrs. Murder, what a hoe. ;) And Kevin. It doesn't matter if he's 90, just you. You're the one that has to get them out. I LOVE it, but I have to admit, it makes me miss you more. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Those are funny stories! Kids say the funniest things! And Kevin is almost 90 so you all better get crackin!!!!! Next family reunion there better be a baby bump if not an actual baby (or two)!!!! :) Love you guys!

  3. this is hilarious. i can just imagine kevin saying that. i love the two of you. let's hang out. :)

    and mrs murder? i really like 'speech.' it reminds me of.... 'cool.' LOL!!!

    love you guys. please tell kevin hi for us.
