There's this show on Netflix called "Mother Goose Club", and Brooke has taken a liking to it. One song, "Soccer Rocker", is a particular favorite. Probably since Brooke loves soccer :) Every time we head to the park, we bring her soccer ball along and she spends time dribbling the ball up and down the field. I am actually quite impressed with how coordinated she is, and how quickly she can get down the field. Kevin and I have talked about putting her in soccer this Fall, so I have tried to teach her the concept of "teamwork". She is pretty good about passing the ball to me, but she always wants to be the one that scores the goal. It's a work in progress :)
I snapped a few pictures one day because I love how she can combine her love of girly things, with her love of sports. I looked back through old pictures to find a picture of her last year to compare it to. She has changed so much!!
6 days ago
good luck teaching her "teamwork!" there are kids on maddy's team who still don't get it. :) she gets her skillz from her mother, obv! we would love to come watch her play, in-between all our games of course. (aaaagggghhh.) love the 'then and now' picture!