A few weeks ago, we went to see Charlotte's Web at a children's theatre. The theatre was described as "a hidden gem" by somebody Beverly works with at the temple. It really was such a cute performance, and the kids really surprised me with how well they did. It was a small theatre, so there wasn't a bad seat in the house. We all agreed that we would go back :)

Auntie Mel Mel had some Colby snuggles before the show started.When the show was over, the girls wanted to check out the set. They had a good ol' time tossing hay around the pig pen.
Then we headed over to the North East mall for some lunch. I love this cute picture of the girls with Grandma :)
I DON'T love this disgusting picture of myself, but I wanted to remember how much Aubrey was loving on me that day. For some reason, Aubrey wanted me, and only me. She wanted to sit by me, hold my hand, etc. I love being an Auntie. To explain my disgustingness...I hadn't set an alarm because I always wake up at 7 with Kevin. Well, I had been up every hour with Colby during the night, so at 6, when I was crawling back into bed, I told Kevin about my rough night. Apparently I fell into a deep sleep, so Kevin quietly said goodbye when he left for work, and I went back to sleep. Then Colby decided to sleep for a few hours straight, so I woke up at 8:57 to sounds of Brooke playing in her room. Did I mention that I needed to leave at 9 am to make it there on time??I literally jumped out of bed, ran to the closet and threw on my clothes (thankfully I had showered at midnight before going to bed), brushed my teeth, ran upstairs and threw Brooke's clothes on (which we had laid out the night before-also something I have never done), ran downstairs and flat ironed my bangs, put a sleeping Colby in his carseat, and headed out the door. All by 9:13. I was pretty impressed with myself, and grateful that I had packed the diaper bag the night before! I was so frustrated because we had all been looking forward to the play, and I was worried that we wouldn't make it there on time. And I felt so ugly, which I know isn't the important thing, but it definitely makes a difference.
I was making good time, when I hit a massive pothole on 183, which caused my car to swerve back and forth. It was seriously so scary, and I thought I was going to get in an accident. I had a cement barrier on my left (with oncoming traffic beyond that), and a semi on the right, so I was afraid of swerving to miss the pothole. But that pothole was huge, and when you are going 70 mph, it really messes with your car. I am beyond thankful that we were all safe, but I was a little shaken up when we arrived. Ten minutes early, thankyouverymuch!! Just enough time to change Colby out of his pajamas and find our seats.
Despite a rough start, we enjoyed the day together with family, and I think it's good for Brooke to be exposed to the theatre at a young age :) As I type this, the Armada is currently in the shop being repaired. I knew that the alignment had been thrown off, but I wasn't expecting that the control arm was bent, which is going to cost $450 to fix. Ouch!
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