Sunday, September 24, 2023

family pictures

Jen Logan, who did our family pictures in 2021, posted something on FB about only doing family pictures a few weekends in August and September.  I knew that I wanted her to do them again, so I quickly texted her to coordinate.  I had been planning fall outfits for our pictures this year, and thankfully my family was willing to wear them in the 100 degree weather.  I promised that it would be fast and Jen had us on our way in 30 minutes or less.  

I wanted a white backdrop for our pictures, and she drove around Mansfield until she found the side of an auto body shop that seemed perfect.  Our pictures were scheduled for noon, which made me nervous for lighting, but with both of our kids' sports schedules, we had to make it work.  The area was shaded, which seemed ideal, but the reflection off the other building was so bright and the boys had a hard time keeping their eyes open, haha. 

But I love how the pictures turned out and I especially love my sweet family!! 
We changed locations to get a few "greenery" shots and I loved this sweet picture of Brooke.  We found that adorable yellow skirt when we were thrifting and I bought her the fuzzy cardigan (which she loves) in the teenager section at TJ Max. 
After the park, we changed locations again and went over to Mary Lou's, a local restaurant.  When Jen texted me about using it as a possible location since the colors would coordinate well with our outfits, she commented that hopefully it wouldn't be too busy.  I looked up the hours and saw that they were closed on Sunday, which couldn't have been more perfect.

We used this picture for our Christmas card...
But this one was my favorite :)
I really just loved them all and really appreciate that she makes sure to get pictures with Kevin and I with each kid individually.
She took a few extra of Brooke at the end and I am obsessed.  She was such a good sport because it was definitely hot, but I'm go grateful that we have these beautiful pictures to remember our family at this stage.  Our kids are at such fun ages and I really love seeing them grow and develop into amazing bigger kids.  Just wish it would slow down a little!

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