Saturday, November 18, 2023

the purple bears

After many seasons at Walnut Ridge, we felt like it was time to move on to Mansfield Soccer Association.  I had heard that they weren't as organized, but we figured the kids needed weeknight practices to progress in their abilities, so we made the move.  Brooke was placed on a team called the Purple Bears, and a few of the girls had already played together for a season or two.  There was another girl on the team named Brooke, so she offered to go by Brookie.  It totally made sense, but since we're used to cheering for our Brooke as Brookie, it made things a little bit confusing, haha.  
Brooke ran her heart out at the first game and was more aggressive than I've ever seen her, which made me really excited for a new season.
The next week, Brooke was stretching before the game and I thought she was going to dislocate her leg!  I quickly told her not to ever do that again. 
The girls weren't happy about wearing pennies on top of their jerseys because it was so hot, but the ref thought the two team's colors were too similar, so he insisted.
The Bears fought hard and came out with a 5-4 victory.  
Brooke had her first goal of the season at her game in Burleson.  She was extra motivated with grandparents, cousins, and her auntie and uncle there to watch her!
So proud of this girl!!  One of the girls on the other team was pretty aggressive and I could tell that it was getting to Brooke, but she kept her cool and played harder.
So thankful for family that would come to support our kiddos!
Proud Daddy...
A raised finger to represent her goal :)
We headed to Hard 8 BBQ after the game to enjoy some yummy food together.  When you have to travel 40 minutes away for the game, you most definitely scope out the best lunch spot.
The next game was in Cleburne (45 minutes away), and it was SO chilly, but Brooke had some great kicks!  It was also a partial total eclipse during the game, so a guy let us use his special eclipse glasses so we could see it. 
Kevin was camping with the youth the next weekend, which meant that I was trying to be in two places at once.  I made the poor decision to let Brooke finish her whole game before he headed to Colby's (they had no subs and it was SO hot), but it meant that he missed nearly half of his game.  He was NOT happy (totally understandable) and I was frazzled after driving the 45 minutes between soccer complexes.
Brooke almost scored a goal during her last soccer game, but sadly, it didn't quite make it.  They ended with a win, which was a fun way to finish off the season.
It was such a great season for these girls and Brooke wants to play with them again in the Spring, so hopefully it works out. 
Thanks to her coaches, Jeremy and Maria. 
Since Nay Nay and Papa were in town for Colby's baptism, they were able to watch her play in the last game as well.  They've never seen the kids play in their sports since they usually come in the summer or during the holidays, so their time with us was really special. 
Great season, buggy!!

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