Monday, November 6, 2023

a special day

Colby's baptism was such a special day for our family and we were so grateful for all the friends and family that came to show their support.
I set up a table in the gym with cookies for after the baptism.  Most of them were purchased from Costco (thanks, Mom and Dad), but I did make a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies that were pretty delicious. 
I wanted a few pictures before the baptism, but since I was busy running through the song with the boys that were singing, I only managed to get a family picture and a picture with Grandma and Papa. 
Walking into a full chapel filled my soul with happiness.  We are so lucky to live in a place with so many close friends who are honestly like family to us.  I could tell that Colby felt special and Brooke felt nervous since she was giving a talk in front of everyone!

Bishop Danielson was conducting, Sister Jones was the pianist, and Kinley was the chorister.  We sang "A Child's Prayer" for the opening song, and Papa Clark gave the opening prayer.  He did a beautiful job, and was followed by Nay Nay giving the talk on baptism.

Then it was time to head down the hall to the font.  We had arranged for Ellie to play baptism songs on her flute as we walked into the room to try to set a reverent tone and she did an amazing job.  
Aubrey and Papa were the witnesses, and it was such a special moment to watch Colby enter the waters of baptism and follow our Savior's example.
While the boys were changing, we asked everyone to write little notes to Colby and they are priceless.  So many people expressed their love for him and also shared their testimony that Heavenly Father was proud of him and that we can always turn to Him in prayer and that He will always be with us. 
Once the boys were dressed, I snapped their picture and we headed back into the chapel.
Colby asked a group of boys to sing "Choose Him Again" with him and the spirit was so strong.  A friend snapped this picture as they sang and even though I know we're not supposed to take pictures in the chapel, I was really glad she did.
After the musical number, Brooke gave a talk on the gift of the holy ghost. She said she was so nervous that her leg was totally shaking, but you couldn't tell because she seemed very confident.  She used a children's book about the roles of the Holy Ghost during her talk and I felt like it was such a good way to keep the younger kids engaged.  I was proud of her and I know it meant a lot to Colby. 

Colby was then confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Kevin.  He gave a beautiful blessing and I felt super grateful that Kevin is a righteous priesthood holder that is worthy of that sacred responsibility.

Sister Jackie Bassett then welcomed him to Primary and gifted him a nice navy journal with his name engraved in gold.  Her comments were really sweet, and then Bishop made a few closing remarks.  We sang Colby's favorite church song, "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing", followed by a prayer by Grandma Meador.

Overall, I was so happy with the program and felt the spirit throughout the afternoon.  It was also really nice to just mingle and eat cookies :)

I didn't get pictures of everyone, but I wanted to document that our neighbors, the Weavers, came to support Colby.  We love their family so much and I appreciate that they would take time to be there on his special day. (Kayla, Jada, Colby, April, Anniyah, and Rob)
The Petersens drove down from Rockwall, which was super sweet.  Their family has always been special to us.
While I was taking pictures of the Petersens, the Hibberts were walking out, so I quickly snapped a picture of them as well.
My friend Daleth is now living in Texas with her twins, Lexie and Gabe, so they came to show their support as well.
The accordion curtain isn't an ideal backdrop, but we were trying to make family pictures easy, so we just stayed in the gym.
We had to include the friends who are more like family!  The Myers even stayed in town an extra day so that they didn't miss Colby's baptism.  That's true dedication to our friendship!!
The Hawkins family...
Before we left the church, the Peacocks gave Colby a special gift.  It was a beautiful frame with his picture and the info about his baptism.  Such a beautiful keepsake that he will proudly hang in his room. 
As we all cleaned up and Colby opened his gift, I looked back to see both papas chatting from a distance.  I'm not sure why Jerry didn't go closer to my dad, but they are both really slowing down so they make for good companions.
Since I missed getting a picture with Nay Nay and Papa before the baptism, we made sure to get one before we left the church.
I hope that Colby will always remember how he felt and strive to keep that feeling with him always.  He took the first step on the covenant path, and Kevin and I want nothing more than to help him stay on that path. 

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