Saturday, November 18, 2023

the warriors

I explained in the previous post about our decision to move the kids over to Mansfield Soccer Association, but I started to doubt that decision when we received an email a few weeks before the season started stating that our son was on a team without a coach.  They were seeking volunteers, and stated that if nobody was willing, the team would be dissolved.  I didn't feel qualified to coach, and since Kevin doesn't get home until 6:30 or later every night, he couldn't really do it either.  We just crossed our fingers that one of the other parents would step up.  Well, somebody did, but it was an interesting dynamic.  Her name was Darlene and she was a yeller.  Most of her yelling was directed at her son, Bryson, but I didn't really love her whole demeanor.  One of the other dads was the assistant coach and we really liked him, but he definitely let her play the role of head coach.

Colby had a few teammates that we liked, but overall, it wasn't as cohesive of a group as he's had in the past.  There were several boys who complained a lot and they needed a lot of redirection to stay on task.  

We eventually had our first game and Colby offered to be the goalie for the first half.  He was completely bored because the ball rarely went on their side of the field, so I don't think he'll be offering again anytime soon.
The next week his game was at 9 AM, which we were grateful for because it was blazing hot by the afternoon.  We're still in the 100's here in Texas, which is really hot when you're playing soccer.  
The Warriors had their first win, and it must have had something to do with his bright orange cheering section :) I don't have anything neon orange, so I was the odd one out. 
The next week we were in Burleson and the extended family came to support him and Brooke :) 
I am always impressed with Colby's determination and drive, even when it's incredibly hot and the other team is dominating.  
Soccer Saturday looked different one week because I was home with a sick Brooke, but Kevin said that Colby played well on defense.  I took him back to the fields later for his team pics and snapped a picture of my favorite Warrior.
I wrote about this on Brooke's soccer post, but one week I was on my own since Kevin was at a youth campout.  I was trying to be in two places at once and I massively failed.  They were playing at different complexes (45 minutes apart) and since their game times were close, I told Brooke that we would need to leave her game early so that Colby would only be a little bit late to his game.  To further complicate this whole scenario, I had signed up to bring snacks for Brooke's team, which is always done at the end of the game.  I figured I could just leave the snacks with someone, but as the time neared for us to leave, Brooke's team was struggling.  They only had one sub and the girls were SO hot and exhausted.  I made the poor decision to let Brooke finish the game, quickly pass out snacks, and book it to Colby's game.  As we drove away, I realized what a mistake that was because Colby was going to miss half of his game.  When I told him, he was really upset and I had to hear about it for nearly the entire car ride.  I understood his frustration and the "unfairness" of it all, but I also expected some grace when I was doing the very best I could to get everyone where they needed to be.
Grandma and Papa made it to Colby's game (before me, since we missed the first half), so that was a good distraction.  They stayed for a few hours that afternoon and we enjoyed their visit.
When Nay Nay and Papa were in town, they were able to watch Colby play some soccer.  Nay Nay went to his weeknight practice with me, which was good since she missed most of the game since she was at Brooke's volleyball game.  But Papa was with me and watched the whole game. 
I was pretty frustrated with Colby's coach because she wasn't subbing kids in and out, which meant that Colby sat out nearly the whole first half when his Papa was there to watch him.  She had a habit of only subbing every quarter, but on this occasion, she was keeping a few of the most aggressive boys in the whole time.  I made a few comments to Colby (within earshot of his coach) about him asking to sub in, but she didn't do anything.  As the assistant coach walked past, my dad made a comment to him about the 3 boys that had been sitting on the sidelines for half the game.  He quickly subbed Colby in, but the other two boys were still sitting there.  Again, I'm grateful that she stepped up and was willing to coach, but the team was definitely lacking in effective subbing and overall strategy.
Kevin took Colby to his last soccer game (I was with Brooke at volleyball), and about 20 minutes into the game, I received a video of my boy scoring a goal.  I was sad that I missed it, but I was super proud of him!
This wasn't Colby's favorite season, but I think he still enjoyed it and he played hard, so that's what counts!

the purple bears

After many seasons at Walnut Ridge, we felt like it was time to move on to Mansfield Soccer Association.  I had heard that they weren't as organized, but we figured the kids needed weeknight practices to progress in their abilities, so we made the move.  Brooke was placed on a team called the Purple Bears, and a few of the girls had already played together for a season or two.  There was another girl on the team named Brooke, so she offered to go by Brookie.  It totally made sense, but since we're used to cheering for our Brooke as Brookie, it made things a little bit confusing, haha.  
Brooke ran her heart out at the first game and was more aggressive than I've ever seen her, which made me really excited for a new season.
The next week, Brooke was stretching before the game and I thought she was going to dislocate her leg!  I quickly told her not to ever do that again. 
The girls weren't happy about wearing pennies on top of their jerseys because it was so hot, but the ref thought the two team's colors were too similar, so he insisted.
The Bears fought hard and came out with a 5-4 victory.  
Brooke had her first goal of the season at her game in Burleson.  She was extra motivated with grandparents, cousins, and her auntie and uncle there to watch her!
So proud of this girl!!  One of the girls on the other team was pretty aggressive and I could tell that it was getting to Brooke, but she kept her cool and played harder.
So thankful for family that would come to support our kiddos!
Proud Daddy...
A raised finger to represent her goal :)
We headed to Hard 8 BBQ after the game to enjoy some yummy food together.  When you have to travel 40 minutes away for the game, you most definitely scope out the best lunch spot.
The next game was in Cleburne (45 minutes away), and it was SO chilly, but Brooke had some great kicks!  It was also a partial total eclipse during the game, so a guy let us use his special eclipse glasses so we could see it. 
Kevin was camping with the youth the next weekend, which meant that I was trying to be in two places at once.  I made the poor decision to let Brooke finish her whole game before he headed to Colby's (they had no subs and it was SO hot), but it meant that he missed nearly half of his game.  He was NOT happy (totally understandable) and I was frazzled after driving the 45 minutes between soccer complexes.
Brooke almost scored a goal during her last soccer game, but sadly, it didn't quite make it.  They ended with a win, which was a fun way to finish off the season.
It was such a great season for these girls and Brooke wants to play with them again in the Spring, so hopefully it works out. 
Thanks to her coaches, Jeremy and Maria. 
Since Nay Nay and Papa were in town for Colby's baptism, they were able to watch her play in the last game as well.  They've never seen the kids play in their sports since they usually come in the summer or during the holidays, so their time with us was really special. 
Great season, buggy!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Nay Nay and Papa's visit

I picked Nay Nay and Papa up from the airport on October 30th while the kids were at school, so the after-school reunion was very sweet.  Within minutes, Colby and Papa were playing chess.
On Halloween afternoon, Brooke gave Nay Nay a play-doh manicure :)
It's been 8 years since I've been with my mom on her birthday (the year Colby was born), so it was super special to have the day together.  We started off with a yummy breakfast, then headed out for pedicures.  Dad waited in the car for us since we were going to Torchy's for lunch afterwards. 
We both had male nail techs, and the guy doing Mom's was so sweet and gentle with her ankle.  I think it was just the pampering she needed.
I can't remember what we were laughing about, but I kind of love this picture.
We joked that we were quite the sight with their walking canes and our pedicure sandals, haha. 
When we made it to the car, Dad was having a hard time buckling his seatbelt.  I offered to help, and he said something snarky about him "being a big boy" so he didn't need me.  I said, "Prove it!" and we were dying laughing.  It doesn't sound funny now, but the three of us were laughing so hard and it was a really fun memory from the day.  Then Dad found Colby's sunglasses and the combination with his missing tooth was just too much.  Sometimes he is pretty funny :)
Brookie gifted Nay Nay some of the bath bombs she made at Buff City Soap.
Since we had cheesecake from the night before, we didn't make a new treat, but we did stick a candle in a cookie bar Rachel dropped by.  My mom is such a special person and I was so glad that we could celebrate her and express our love.
Everyone knows that I like Sunday pictures, and the kids really coordinated with Nay Nay and Papa.
Sunday Selfie, family edition...
I tired getting a nice picture with my dad, but when he did a weird face, I matched him.
And a picture with my mom and Brookie...
After-school playtime on the driveway, where Nay Nay beat us in HORSE. It was down to Colby and Mom, and when she beat him, he said, "She even has a boot on her foot.  That's just embarrassing."
We went and watched the Daulton Veteran's Day Program and I cried, per usual.  Such beautiful music and sentiments from Mr. Gammon, the principal. 
We went and had lunch with Brooke...
The weekends were full of sports and birthday/baptism celebrations (separate posts), and the weekdays were busy with practices and playing, but we were really loving our time with my parents.  I took 2 days off work while they were here, but still did my tele-therapy sessions and worked 2 days at my in-person school.

On their last Sunday, before we took our normal porch pictures, we stopped by some greenery in the neighborhood to get a "Christmas Card" picture.  I was happy with how it turned out, so I helped Mom order her cards. 
Sunday afternoon we played games together.  Mom bought this Disney Villain Clue game for the kids and we all loved it.  We probably played at least 8 rounds during their visit.  
I don't know what prompted Brooke's interest in knitting, but when my mom commented that she could teach her, Brooke begged us to take her to Hobby Lobby for supplies. And it had to be Saturday night so that she could learn on Sunday.  They were flying home on Monday, so we agreed to her plan.  I loved learning how to knit, crochet, and sew with my grandma, so I wanted Brooke to have that same experience. 
Brooke was a natural and made a small blanket for her Barbies.  Not bad for her first project!!
We did some last-minute baking before heading to the airport, and although the cookies were way thinner than the ones in the picture, they were delicious!
I couldn't have asked for a better visit with my parents, so I'm grateful that they would come spend two weeks with us.