It's official!! Our sweet girl has been in Kindergarten for 100 days! She has totally rocked school, and I love seeing her thrive in this new setting, but I have also really missed having her with me all day. School is so long, and I don't love the unknown about what happens each day at school. I love her school and feel that she is safe and well-cared for, but I just wish I could be a fly on the wall in her classroom, in the cafeteria, on the playground, etc. Like I mentioned in the Open House post, she is doing well academically. Her teacher emailed me mid-day a few weeks ago to let me know that Brooke was already reading on a level 4, which is where they expect the kids to be at the end of Kindergarten. Those are always good emails to get! The school pays for a few different computer programs to aid the kids in their reading at home, and luckily Brooke loves to do them. They are also currently working on addition and subtraction, and Brooke is constantly writing out math problems :)
She loves to write notes to us, and has started having writing homework each week. They are given 2 prompts per week and the children are expected to write 3 sentences on topic, using correct spelling for sight words and sounding out the rest on their own. Brooke gets a bit frustrated with the sounding out part because she wants the words to be spelled correctly, but she's getting less frustrated about it :) They also draw a picture about what they wrote, and Brooke's pictures are adorable.
She has so many sweet friends in her class, and I love watching her run and play with kids after school. Colby and I walk her to class once or twice a week, and I adore seeing her interact with people in the halls and seeing her excitement when she gets to walk in with someone in her class. She really has the sweetest heart, and is happy and bubbly each and every morning as she walks into school.
I love you, Buggy! Oh, and she created this shirt design on her own! I bought the jewels at Hobby Lobby and knew that she was going to be in love. We figured out how many of each color she should use to make 100, then she got to work on the design. It took a lot of self control for me to let her be independent, especially when she started getting frustrated that the lines weren't perfect. I had to walk away when she kept saying that it looked ugly because I offered my help and she didn't want it. She probably gets her perfectionist attitude from me, but I hate to see her get so frustrated with herself! (It was after school on a Thursday, so maybe she was just tired after a long week?) After she cooled down, she adjusted the rows that were bothering her and I hot glued them all in place.
I am grateful that she snapped out of her funk, was pleased with the result, and was excited to wear it to school!
6 days ago
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