Thursday, January 31, 2019

open house

Brooke was SO excited to show us her work at Open House, and was especially proud of everything hanging on the walls of the Kindergarten wing.  She didn't want me to walk her in at all that week because she didn't want the surprise to be ruined!  Obviously, they have been studying the Solar System, and she wrote things about the Sun, Moon, and Earth.  I loved seeing Brooke as an astronaut :)

She loves her teacher, Mrs. Hickerson.  As we walked into the classroom, we received a checklist of things to do, and Brooke was eager to begin.
She showed us her Solar System book, which was very detailed and impressive.  Brooke loves to write, color, and draw, so this book was right up her ally. The other items on the checklist were about reading the book to us, and reading the things she wrote on the wall outside her classroom.  We were done quickly, so I started looking around for things that she could tell us about, haha.  We were the only ones in the room, so it was nice to just talk about her daily routine and allow her to show us how things are done in her classroom.
The last thing on the list was taking pictures with the rocket, so you better believe we did that :) Brooke likes to follow rules and directions to a T (most of the time), which is something I love about her.  We also saw her friend Brooks, so I took a picture of those three crazy kids.
I am so grateful that school has been such a positive experience for Brooke this year, and I hope it continues to be something that she loves.  She is doing well academically, and has a million best friends, so I think she has adjusted well!
Colby tagged right along behind Sissy and loves being at school with her!
Grandma and Papa arrived a few minutes later, so Brooke played tour guide again and was able to show them around her classroom.  She is a lucky girl to have such great support from her grandparents.
We love our sweet Kindergarten girl!

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