On December 12th, we went to see Frosty the Snowman at the Casa Mañana children's theatre in Fort Worth. Three years ago, Jerry and Bev bought us all tickets to the Christmas show, and it's been an annual tradition ever since. Brooke had been talking about the Frosty show for weeks! She also started throwing the worst tantrums that week, so I was a little worried about how the afternoon would go. Especially since the show started right at her nap time!
As we were getting ready, I could tell that she felt pretty in her Christmas dress. She kept talking about how it sparkled. She also loved that red sweater, even though she didn't want to wear it. She carried it over her shoulder ALL afternoon. I gave her a pearl bracelet, which she also loved. As I was getting ready, she wanted to try on my gold ring. Then she said, "I''ll be right back." She quickly went to my closet where the bag from her bracelet was, and said, "Oh no, where's MY ring?" I told her that the store didn't have little girl rings, but that maybe she could ask for one for Christmas. She went right over to Kevin and asked if he could buy her a ring at the store. And of course, Kevin said yes.

I really wanted a picture with Brooke, so Kevin asked Brooke and I to "fix the star" on top of the tree. AKA: Take a picture with your Mommy. Any day now she will outgrow her hatred of taking pictures, right?

As soon as we pulled in, we could see the giant Frosty on the building, and Brooke was elated! I love seeing her hold her Daddy's hand. It was a crazy windy day, and also really warm and humid. Not the best conditions for my new haircut :(
These girls are precious! I love Brooke's little hands clasped together. I'm not really sure what made her think to pose like that, but that's how she was for most of the pictures.
Colby was looking quite handsome as well in this little outfit from my friend Nikki. He slept through the show, which was great for everyone. Brooke was sitting by her cousins in the row in front of us when the show started. She was clapping her hands, and watching intently. When Frosty (a fake snowman) "transformed" into a person, the lights went out, and he reappeared as a man wearing a white suit. One of the adults said, "Look, It's Frosty", to which Brooke replied (super loud), "That's not Frosty. It's a talking man." HAHAHAHA. I was dying laughing. You are right, my girl. But let's pretend that Frosty came to life.
After intermission, Brooke got pretty squirmy, and sat on my lap until the end. Thankfully I had brought a stash of treats, but if the show was any longer, we might have ended up in the lobby. When the show was over, we headed to Uno Pizzeria near the theater. We warned the group that I would need to feed Colby as soon as we parked...but what we didn't anticipate was that Brooke would have a major meltdown as we walked from the parking garage to the restaurant. I can't even remember what set her off, but she was crying on the sidewalk, and didn't want to go to the restaurant. She was adamant that she wanted to go home. Well, that wasn't the plan, so we were not giving in. Although we kind of wanted to rather than deal with the tantrum. Kevin picked her up and we told her we were leaving and had to miss all the fun. We walked around the block and were actually heading up to the restaurant as we talked about all the fun we would miss. When we arrived at the restaurant, Brooke had calmed down, and we tried to just play it off and quickly find our group. She behaved during dinner, but it wasn't as enjoyable as it could have been due to the previous 30 minutes.
After dinner, we planned on going to Sundance square to see the lights and walk around. The girls had a great time, and all was fun and games until it was time to leave. I carried a kicking and crying girl all the way back to the parking garage. It was so so embarrassing, and I was super frustrated with Brooke. I was struggling trying to figure out how to manage this new behavior, and emotionally, I was exhausted. And I was already physically exhausted from having a newborn in the house, haha.
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