Colby started out the month by outgrowing his newborn clothes. He is growing so quickly, and it makes me sad just thinking that his newborn phase has come and gone. Nothing is sweeter than a baby in pajamas, so I took a few pictures in one of my favorite pairs.
I don't remember this winter being very cold, but probably because we were in the house A LOT. But we must have had some beautiful weather on the 3rd, because we had the chance to play outside. That was actually the first time I left the house with both kids. I took them to CVS to get an ornament for the RS Christmas party I was attending that night. I remember that because Brooke wanted that giant lollipop she saw at the checkout. I could tell that we had been cooped up for too long because Brooke acted this CVS was the greatest place on earth. We spent time going up and down the aisles so Brooke could check everything out. We came home with 2 very special ornaments (Cinderella and Ariel) that hung on our smaller tree all season. She also had to show those ornaments to everyone and anyone that stopped by.On the fourth, I took Brooke in to see Dr. Joki. I had noticed that her urine smelled a little strange the day before, which made me immediately suspect another UTI. I figured I would give it a day, and just push the liquids to see if the smell would go away. When I went into her room the next morning, the strong smell was still present, and I knew I needed to take her in. I seriously dreaded it though. She has been through so much with all her UTI's (she's had 4 or 5 now I think), and I made the mistake of telling her that we needed to go have Dr. Joki give her a check-up. I thought it would be better to give her time to get used to the idea, but it was a bad move. She kept saying, "I don't want to go see Dr Joki." She was fine in the waiting room, but as soon as they told her to stand on the scale, she was a wreck. She cried and cried about standing on the scale, and as soon as I would place her on the scale, she would cling to me and wouldn't stand alone. After a few minutes of disaster, the nurse said that we could just get my weight holding her, then my weight alone. Great :/ First hurdle down.
Then, we entered the exam room. The nurse gave me a sterile cup and asked if I thought she could give them a urine sample. I decided it was worth a shot, even though she has never peed on command before. After the nurse left, I explained to Brooke that we needed to get some pee pee in the cup, or else they would going to have to check her bum (which she can sadly remember). She was just a mess, refused to drink water, wouldn't go down to the bathroom with me, etc. Oh, and Colby started crying too, so that was awesome. I just didn't know what to do. I understand her hesitation, but she wouldn't listen to me at all. I guess I was expecting too much. I kept explaining that she needed to drink water so that she would have enough pee (because I figured this was going to end in a catheter). She flat out refused. And there is only so much you can do. So, since we couldn't get a urine sample with the cup, I asked if we could try the bag method. They have refused in the past because it is not as sterile and more chance for an inaccurate sample...but I was desperate. I think after seeing her state, the nurses agreed. But even the bag method was awful. She didn't want anyone coming near her, so we were having to basically pin her down and get her pants and diaper off. Just typing this makes me cringe. How have someone pin you down, rip your pants off, and stick a bag onto your private parts. And Colby was still crying. I was on the verge of tears myself. I felt sad for Brooke, but also super frustrated with the whole situation. Once the bag was placed (which is literally a plastic bag with adhesive strips that stick to the labia to hold it in place), I put her diaper back on and she kept hitting herself on the crotch and saying "It's hurting my bum". I am sure it was super uncomfortable, so I felt awful, but I told her that we couldn't leave until she did pee pee. I wasn't sure if she would even be able to relax enough to pee in her current state. The nurses suggested I stay in the room until she went, but after 10 minutes of disaster, I told them I was leaving and I would bring her back once she urinated in the bag.
We got out to the car, and she wouldn't let me put her in the car seat. She was almost screaming, saying "Take this bag off", "I don't want this bag". I told her that we could take it off as soon as she did pee pee. She told me that she did. I didn't believe her, I just knew she wanted that bag off. She told me again, so I checked, and she had! The nurses told me that they didn't need much, which was good, because there was only a little bit. So, we walked back into the office and waited for them to come collect the pee and GET THAT BAG OFF! They sent it to the lab for a culture, but put her on antibiotics until we got the results back. I hate that they do that, but I guess it's pretty standard.
We really needed to go to Costco, so despite the bad day we were having, we headed over there. Brooke was great at Costco, and Colby slept through the whole outing. As soon as we loaded up and I was backing out, Colby started screaming again. I realized that it was time to feed him, so I pulled back into my parking spot, turned on a movie for Brooke, and fed my baby. He was happy, I had a moment to gather my thoughts, and Brooke was happy watching her show. I went to burp Colby and he spit up ALL over me. This was really just the icing on a really crappy day, haha. I took a picture because it was actually kind of comical. I don't think anything else could have gone wrong. I took my sweater off and drove home in a tank top with my garments hanging out. Not ideal, but I was soaked and smelled of sour milk.
Three or four days later, the office called to let me know that the results "did not seem indicative of a UTI", but the only way to be sure was to use a catheter. Um, no thanks! I mean, I know that makes sense, but after our last office experience, I just couldn't do it. They make me go in after the round of antibiotics anyway to make sure the infection cleared, so I asked if it was reasonable to just finish the medication, and come in when she was finished. They agreed, and that was that. Except that Brooke started throwing those crazy tantrums, and I just didn't imagine any part of that appointment going well for anyone. So I didn't take her back. The smell had gone away after a few days on the medicine, and they didn't seem to think it was a UTI, so I figured that she was okay. She also hadn't complained about her bum hurting, so I felt justified in not taking her back in. If I suspect another one, I am taking her directly to a pediatric urologist because I need some more answers besides, "Some kids are just more prone to them". I need some suggestions of what to do or not do because I can't put Brooke through this over and over again.

Apparently the day at the doctor's office was rough for Colby as well. My little snuggle bug.
The bedtime routine continues to be one of my favorite parts of the day. Brooke always wants Colby to lay by her, and we all cuddle up on Brooke's bed for story time, prayers, and some lullabies.
Mid december I decided that I was ready for a haircut. I was getting headaches again from always wearing my long hair in a top I went to visit my friend Andreia. I love that she can cut my hair at her house because that means I can bring the kiddos. She did a fabulous job, and it was very freeing to get rid of so much hair. It just feels so dark now with the heavy bangs!I love this sweet sweet boy. He is getting a little better at sleeping, but still doesn't sleep more than 2.5 hours in a row.
On the 13th, we took Colby to church for the first time. We would have taken him the previous week, but we spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa GG who were in town visiting. Colby slept through most of church, which was great. I laughed when I saw this picture because I totally dressed him "business on top, comfy on bottom", hahaha. Baby dress pants are NOT comfortable, and I figured that he would be wrapped in a blanket most of the time anyway.
That evening, we went to a birthday party for our little friend Graham Crumpton.
Colby finally outgrew his Puj tub, so we transitioned him to the bath sling. Brooke was pretty excited for their first bath together, and acted pretty crazy the whole time.
The bath relaxed out little guy, and he was OUT! Normally he doesn't fall asleep unless he is swaddled, so you can tell how totally relaxed he was. I love his hungry caterpillar jammies, too. My Mom bought them forever ago, and has been saving them for when we finally had a baby. I know that I take a million pictures, but I love looking back and remembering all these little moments. Plus, it helps me keep track of when things occurred.
Like when Brooke told me that she was an archeologist :) We had taken her buckets and shovels to the park, and she was digging and having a great time. All of a sudden, she goes, "Mom, I'm an archeologist." I was impressed that she remembered such a big word from one of her books. I asked her what she was digging for, and she responded "holes", hahaha. I think they dig for fossils, but maybe they are just digging for holes :)
I was able to catch a few smiles and smirks on camera.
One night, as we were going up to bath time, I hear Brooke say, "I'm a real live princess", because her Daddy was walking her up the stairs. It melted my heart. When she is dressed as a princess, Daddy is always "my prince". And he makes a pretty handsome prince in my opinion.
One morning, after another of her tantrums, I decided that we needed an outing. Even though it wasn't just Brooke and I, I tried to pick something that would feel a little special for her. I wasn't sure if she just needed more one on time with her mother. So, we went out for smoothies and then went to the pet store. Two of Brookie's favorite things.
This guy is almost always happy. I seriously lucked out in the baby department. I was in the shower and I could hear Colby cooing to himself in his bassinet, which I had rolled into my bathroom.
On the 19th, I went to a girl's night with my book club friends. It was so great to get out, even though I brought Colby with me. Having a great group of friends has really helped me stay sane though this new phase of life. I love having two kids, but the adjustment was a lot harder than I thought it would be. When I got home that night, Kevin showed me some pictures he had of Brooke. After her bath, Kevin said that she wanted to wear a headband. When they came down to get her milk, she wanted Kevin to take her picture by the little tree. I think Christmas and the twinkle lights MAY help her get away from her distain for pictures, haha.
And again, I just love the bedtime routine. With her full bed, we are able to make this a whole family affair, and I enjoy those precious moments together. Kevin has such a soft spot in his heart for Brooke, and I have a feeling it will always be that way. She is one lucky little girl!
my goodness! you weren't kidding! you blogged a ton! i loved catching up on all your pictures. i love your family SO MUCH!!