Once all the rain ceased, we resumed our normal play activities outside. Brooke loves her new splash balls from the Peacocks, and this particular day, she kept carrying them everywhere. When I took this picture, she was saying, "So careful", haha. Then she needed to sit in my chair and jot down some notes :)
Hopefully she didn't get her fashion inspiration from me! I was organizing Brooke's closet when she saw her Minnie slippers from Auntie Mel Mel. She immediately wanted to put them on. But then she saw her dress-up tutu, so naturally, she wanted to add that to the ensemble. It only got better when she put on her Minnie hat (not pictured). Thankfully, she isn't too opinionated about her outfits each day, so I still have full control.
Had a super fun cousin pool day with Kinley and Aubrey. The girls had a blast and did so well in the sun for almost 3 hours.
Seeing this picture reminds me that I need to coordinate our next cousin play pool date, because whenever I suggest that we go swimming, Brooke follows up with "Kinley and Aubrey come too".
Brooke sure loves Daddy's skateboard. This particular day, she was wanting to ride it "by self", so Kevin obliged and patiently helped her go back and forth on the sidewalk. She was IN HEAVEN.
The end of June brought a fun bridal shower for Maddy Mcphee, one of my old YW from the Arlington days. Danielle and Tracy threw her a beautiful shower, and I enjoyed the company. Love all these girls and the friendship we have maintained over the past 8 years!!
6 days ago
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