It is always nice to attend the ward I grew up in, but it is crazy how much it has changed! So many new people and faces, but it makes it all worth it to see the familiar faces of the families that I have loved forever.
Mom had made a comment that maybe we should sit in the front so everyone could see her cute granddaughter. I asked her if she was kidding, haha. I always sit in the back, in case I need to exit quickly. Well, we were running late, and when we walked in, the only seats left were front and center. Thankfully, all went well and Brooke was a reverent child. I had no intention of taking her to nursery because I didn't know the leaders and I didn't want to dump her with a bunch of people she wouldn't know. But, after sacrament meeting, she kept saying "nursery time". I told her that Sister Hawkins and Sister Parr wouldn't be there, but she seemed ready to go. So, I walked her into the room, which was CRAZY. Tons of kids and adults (parents or leaders, i'm not exactly sure), but also lots of nice toys. Brooke immediately started playing, turned to me, and said "Bye Mom". Seriously?? I was totally surprised and kinda concerned that she didn't seem phased. I talked to one of the leaders, told her Brooke's name, etc. One of the girls I used to babysit (and who is now married) was working in there as well, so I asked her to please text my Mom if Brooke started crying or seemed worried. But she did JUST FINE. I still don't know what to think of that. Maybe I am just being an overprotective mother.

After church, we took a few pictures, which Brooke was not excited about. Papa was also not into taking lots of pictures, but I did get a few.
After another 3 hour nap (apparently vacation is exhausting), dinner, and a movie (Madagascar), we headed out for a neighborhood walk. Did I mention that we had the most glorious weather ever?? Well, we did. Highs were in the low 80's, with a perfect breeze.Brooke loved running away from Papa, having Nay Nay save her, then telling Papa to chase her again. They were both happy to play this little game over and over again.
Isn't this the funnest thing when you are a kid?
Especially when you end up upside down :)
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