Friday, July 1, 2022

the Myers come to visit

The Myers family came to Texas and we were thrilled for the chance to hang out with them!!  We hosted a pool party one night and although we missed the Crumptons, the rest of the "Arlington Gang" showed up.  I didn't get a pic of all the kids together, but I sure loved watching them throughout the night. The teenagers are incredibly sweet to my kids and Colby hung with Maddy and Cooper almost the whole evening. 
Maddy and Brooke
Nora and Colby with matching tooth gaps :) Apparently, Colby's bravery to pull both out in one night gave Nora the courage to get her second one out!
The dads...
We almost forgot the friend pic, so it was VERY dark out!
And since we always take forever to actually leave after telling the kids we're leaving, Colby and Brandt found a spot to hang out. 
Such a fun and casual night with friends!

A few days later, we went over to the Sturgill's house for dinner.  Finally got a shot of all the kids...
Can't believe we've been friends for 15 years!! Eva was the only kid when I first met these friends, and now there are 13 :)
The Myers stayed at the Crumpton's house for the first part of their trip, but came to stay with us at the end of their time in Texas.  Luckily, I convinced Tracy to come workout with me at 6:30 AM on Wednesday morning. We were all incredibly sweaty and Tracy had to wear my shoes which were 3 sizes too big for her, but we all survived. 
My kids were loving the full days of friends, sleepovers, and meals together.  I was loving their cute bed heads...
We spent a full day at Hawaiian Falls with the friends and it was nothing short of wonderful.
Never too old for the sprays...
I always love my time in the sun with these girls.  It definitely felt like old times. It's hard not to feel sad that Tracy now lives in Colorado, but we're grateful that she's visiting and we're crossing our fingers that she'll get to move back sometime soon. 
Such cute kids...
And we aren't so bad either, haha...
As if we hadn't had enough sunshine that day, we decided to go for a boat ride that night!  The kids were all stoked, but the highlights definitely included watching Britt and Cooper drive the boat, and watching Britt rock the Zup. 
Tracy is the best mama to her kids and I had to keep snapping pics of her and Finley.
The look on his face was pure joy!
We just didn't want the night to end!! 
The next day, Doug held down the fort while Tracy and I escaped to get our eyebrows done.  They planned a whole water balloon fight/bracket and were still playing when we got back 2 hours later!
Getting your brows tinted is always a funny experience, haha.  But it's even funnier with a friend :) We also went for warm chocolate chip cookies at Market Street before returning home. 
Once the kids finished their bracket and determined a winner, we pulled out the ice shaver for snow cones.
Then Tracy and I took the kids to the pool.  These kids were made for the water.  Colby especially loved hanging out with Britt.  He has the best teenager friends. 
We played several rounds of sharks and mermaids, but eventually Tracy and I retired to the loungers for the wonderful task of "sittervising."  It's a rough life, but somebody's got to do it :)
As we walked home, the sprinklers in the field came on, so naturally, they had to run through them.  They were wet anyway, so I didn't care a bit. 
Since the boat outing was such a hit the night before, we headed out again for one final hurrah.  We kept joking that the kids were having fun, on top of fun, on top of fun.  Water balloons, the pool, and the lake all in one day!
We met Kevin at the boat and as soon as he saw us, he commented that he saw my eyebrows from 50 yards away. They are always super dark at first, but we were laughing so hard all night about it.  As the kids were discussing whose turn it was next, Kevin said, "I think the eyebrow twins need a turn."  And we had a blast!!
We love the Myers family so much and this was the perfect way to end our time with them.  
Silly boys...
Brooke and Finley...
Kevin showed the boys some of his wakeboarding tricks...
A Brookie sandwich...
Tracy has known my girl since birth and I just love how comfortable Brooke feels around her. 
We came home and showered up, but nobody was ready to call it a night since we knew they had to leave in the morning.  We stayed up way too late just chatting while the littlest kids watched a show all snuggled together on the couch. 
It was such a great visit with friends who are definitely more like family!

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