These monthly recaps always take forever, but if I don't write the details, I'm sure i'll forget!
But I love when his teacher posts pictures on their school app. Since we can't attend class parties (thanks to Covid), at least we can catch a glimpse of them during their celebrations.
Good Friday was a good day, indeed! For all the spiritual reasons, but also because we had the chance to hang out with wonderful friends. Their friendship means the world to me. Another favorite tradition is the Monday-after-Easter egg hunt with friends. This is the only picture I took, but we love that Joanna coordinates this every year. It's definitely an easy "hunt" because there are very few good hiding places, but they enjoy it nonetheless.
Brooke is the ultimate helper with the littles on the playground after school. Parry loves Brookie, and I love that Parry is wearing one of Brooke's old dresses.
Softball started again and it was the perfect spring night, something that I know won't last for long. The Saints got creamed, but it was fun to sit with the other wives and watch our guys play ball.
Nothing is better than the trampoline park with friends. Especially when you basically have the whole place to yourselves AND they let you jump for free due to a computer system error.
Two hours wasn't nearly enough time to catch up with my bestie from our Miami days, but I'm just grateful that she came to Texas.
It was our turn to help clean the church last weekend and these kids impressed me with their work ethic. They put in a solid hour and half without complaint, which was kind of a miracle. Not sure how to make that magic happen at our own house :)
Colby was invited to the CUTEST Belle-themed tea party for his sweet friend, Ember.
They decorated their own tea cups, which was definitely a highlight for Colby.
Oh, and the fangs...
And the ice cream truck...
We put the boat back at the marina. I always get nervous when we're launching, but Colby's dance moves were a good distraction, as was the super loud music blasting from the marina restaurant.
Not sure who loves the snuggles more, Brooke or Papa??
We were finishing up our dinner when Colby climbed in the driver's seat. He kept pushing buttons and asking to drive. Then, in almost a chant, he began saying, "Who's gonna drive us? I'm gonna drive us." Hahaha, this kid is too much sometimes.
Nothing makes you feel like your kids are gigantic more than seeing them in a bathtub together. They always shower now, but since they were making a mess downstairs at the kitchen sink, I suggested they go play with their toys in the tub.
Brooke borrowed my phone after school so her, Liam, and Colby could film their video of the titanic (a chunk of chalk) sinking in a deep puddle. The video is adorable, but I also found a bunch of pics on my camera roll that night. Like this sweet one of Brooke and her buddy, Liam...
How I spend my Wednesday nights when Brooke has Activity Days at the church. We finally switched to half court because we were both a bit winded.
Yipee-I-O!! He was ALL over cowboy day at school :) His personality is just so fun...
Saturday night fun with cousins! My kids love having them come play at our house, but its NEVER enough time in their minds.
More family time on Sunday. Love these smiling faces...
Our ward had another playdate at Play Grand Adventures, but Colby didn't want to go. Most of the kids that go are younger than him, and I guess he just wasn't feeling it. Then a few hours later, he decided that he really did want to go to that park. I know our good spring weather days are short-lived, so I took him. Plus, when he starts Kindergarten in the fall, these daytime play dates will be non-existent :(Oh, and this picture is especially important because Colby finally made it to the top of this structure!! He's tried several times (and I've even climbed up there with him, which is not easy for my adult size body, trying to coach him on where to put his feet), but would get scared and wouldn't go any higher. So this was a big deal and he was SO proud and especially excited to go down the big gray slide!
We watched a friend's kids one day and Brooke seriously saved me! I know i've said this many times, but she is the the BEST with little kids. Henry didn't want to eat dinner from me, but he did take some bites with Brooke feeding him :)
Dinner and a movie with the family!
We participated in Grand Prairie's "Big Event", which is a one-day citywide volunteer day. We were matched with a project that fit our ages and abilities :) The guys worked on clogged rain gutters while the rest of us pulled weeds, planted flowers, cleared debris, and bagged leaves for a young single mom in the community. 
The highlight of Colby's day was definitely "Carter", the snake we found in the yard. He held that guy for the last 30 minutes and was SO sad that we wouldn't let him bring it home.
The littles love going to piano lessons, but they've especially loved hanging with puppy Allie when it's not their turn. When Colby finished his lesson, he curled right up on the couch next to her :)
Brooke and Brooke. Friends since they were tiny babies and we were able to attend his baptism. Can't believe these kids are getting so big!!
Colby joining me for a morning workout :)
This is a rare occurrence these days, but every once in a while, Colby catches a car nap. We must have been on the way home from Costco since he's holding a magazine about the Costco Auto Program, haha.
And one more Little Hearts picture from Mrs. Pam :) I love that they pray over their lunch before they start.
We watched a friend's kids one day and Brooke seriously saved me! I know i've said this many times, but she is the the BEST with little kids. Henry didn't want to eat dinner from me, but he did take some bites with Brooke feeding him :)
Dinner and a movie with the family!
We learned that In-N-Out gives free hot cocoa to kids on rainy days, so we will most definitely remember that in the future.
The kids had been asking to see Raya and the Last Dragon for what felt like months and we all loved it! Kevin bought a new hat during our mall wanderings before the movie and he joked that it was his Raya hat. Naturally, he wore it for the picture. We participated in Grand Prairie's "Big Event", which is a one-day citywide volunteer day. We were matched with a project that fit our ages and abilities :) The guys worked on clogged rain gutters while the rest of us pulled weeds, planted flowers, cleared debris, and bagged leaves for a young single mom in the community.

The highlight of Colby's day was definitely "Carter", the snake we found in the yard. He held that guy for the last 30 minutes and was SO sad that we wouldn't let him bring it home.
We came home and did more yard work at our house, then headed to the lake for some fun! Love his little squinty eyes...
Driving lessons. And look at those beautiful skies! It was a bit chilly, but so peaceful. The littles love going to piano lessons, but they've especially loved hanging with puppy Allie when it's not their turn. When Colby finished his lesson, he curled right up on the couch next to her :)
Brooke and Brooke. Friends since they were tiny babies and we were able to attend his baptism. Can't believe these kids are getting so big!!
Colby joining me for a morning workout :)
This is a rare occurrence these days, but every once in a while, Colby catches a car nap. We must have been on the way home from Costco since he's holding a magazine about the Costco Auto Program, haha.
And one more Little Hearts picture from Mrs. Pam :) I love that they pray over their lunch before they start.
Can't believe it's nearly May!!
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