I don't even know how it's possible, but our little girl turned 7. SEVEN!! I still can't wrap my head around it. Next year she will have the opportunity to get baptized! We weren't planning on doing a birthday party because we were going to do a special excursion on our cruise (swimming with dolphins), but since that was cancelled, we decided to make birthday plans. We talked about everything from a glow in the dark dance party to a Trolls World Tour movie party, but ultimately, Brooke decided that she wanted a princess party again (with bikes). That made things easy since I already had the pretty flowers as decor and leftover tiaras from last year's party. I just ordered some pink plasticware, a princess watercolor book and paints, and a kit to make wooden star wands.
Due to the virus (as all my posts are alluding to), it was only going to be a family party with Grandma, Papa, and the Peacocks, but Brooke REALLY wanted the Hawkins there as well. I figure we associate with them almost daily anyway, but I checked with family first to make sure everyone was comfortable with their attendance. We decided to do family only for dinner, and then do the activities and cookie cake all together.
Then came the fun part of setting up...
Brooke folded each napkin so precisely and I love that she seemed to enjoy the process just as much as I did.
The morning of her party was busy because it was the soccer season finale, but we had time in between to shower up and get in princess mode. Can you tell that she was feeling it?
We made a pretty great team, if I do say so myself :)
I didn't take any pictures of the food, but we served pizza, watermelon, carrots and dip, and an italian chopped salad. I guess I did take a picture of the pink lemonade because it looked so darn festive.
We talked about using the chalkboard to make a sign for the party, and before I knew it, Brooke announced that she was done. The control freak in me wanted to make the sign myself, but when I saw her work, I was quite impressed. The chalkboard was still hanging horizontally in the chalk room, so I was surprised that she was able to make her bubble letters sideways.
She was VERY proud of herself, and I made a big deal about it to show her that I was equally proud.
She was so excited for her royal party, and although it was pretty low-key, she kept telling me how great everything was. That certainly makes you happy as a parent, right?
A royal curtsy...
A quick family picture rocking our shades of pink. I couldn't convince Colby to wear his button down pink plaid shirt, and I just wasn't wanting to fight that battle. He still looks cute, but definitely not in line with our pink theme. (And my hair is definitely needing some attention, but since all salons closed for two months, I couldn't get a cut or color done.)
Although we planned to do the activities, bike riding, and cookie cake outside, it was just too hot! We decided that we would nix the bike riding and keep everything indoors.
I only took one picture of the royal guests :) Ellie and Carter came as well, but weren't dressed up.
We enjoyed cookie cake together...Then it was on to activities...
While they painted, we played different Disney princess songs from a playlist Brooke and I created, and everyone had to quickly guess what princess it belonged to. It basically turned into the kids singing the different theme songs, but it was super fun for a princess party. While the paint dried, the girls disappeared upstairs to play Barbies, while Colby and Carter went outside to do flips on the trampoline. The adults (and Ellie) relaxed in the living room together.
Eventually, the kids came down wanting to open presents, and Brooke was spoiled as usual. The Peacocks gave her a cute white bicycle basket and a few lego-style bracelets, Grandma and Papa gave her a butterfly garden (a few days early-pictures to come), the Griffiths gave her two new tulle skirts, Nay Nay and Papa gave her some "big girl" platform sandals, Colby gave her pastel dot stampers and a small mermaid Barbie, and the Hawkins gave her an entomologist Barbie and a Ken doll.

She was very gracious and made sure to thank everyone.
Oh, and Kevin and I gave Brooke a huge dollhouse on Friday night. Her big gift was the bike we bought for her in May, but I came across this used dollhouse for $45 and I couldn't resist. She plays with her Barbies every single day and I knew how much she would love it. I thought about waiting until Christmas, but she has the whole summer to play, so I knew the best time was now.
She was so shocked, didn't say anything, then said, "If we were allowed to scream in the house, I definitely would have been screaming." Hahaha, I loved surprising her in that way. She also couldn't get over the fact that the house was as tall as her. A fact that was repeated to everyone that found out about her special gift.
We took it to her room that night, moved her bookcase to a new spot, and settled the dollhouse into its new location. I didn't love moving her bookcase, but it's definitely in the best spot for playing. Pictures to come later when I get everything organized how we (or I) want it :)
And that was her party in a nutshell! It didn't feel stressful, which was good since we had soccer that morning and were leaving for a trip the next day. The family ended up staying until nearly 10 o'clock, so I was a little beat by the time I finished packing and crawled into bed, but it was really a great day with family and friends.
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