Does this boy look a little excited about his first ever gymnastics class?? Because he WAS! With the new school year starting, and since Kevin and I decided to hold off on sending Colby to an official preschool, I was looking for options of activities for him. A few of his friends from the ward attend the Little Gym in Mansfield, so I signed him up for a practice class. I had heard it was a bit expensive, and I wanted more details before making any commitments.
Well, he definitely loved it! There were about 10 kids in his class, with 2 super happy and enthusiastic instructors. They moved through several whole group movement activities, then split into two groups and worked themselves around the gym at the different stations. (The parents are all in a room behind the huge glass walls, so I was able to watch the whole hour-long session.) In Colby's first area, they were working on their somersaults. Once she saw that Colby definitely had that mastered, she started moving the foam block away from the foam ramp, requiring him to kind of leap forward and roll. He was having a ball, and she was giving him lots of positive feedback. He was more hesitant on the balance beam at first, but by the end of their time at that station, he was independently doing what the other students were.
During the class, I had the chance to talk to his friends' mom, Liz, which was really fun for me as well :) A win for everyone, haha!
I wanted to talk with Kevin before making the final call, but I was impressed with what I saw and I could tell that Colby really liked having something special that was uniquely his.
6 days ago
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