Brooke has been completely obsessed with this baby doll she received two Christmases ago from Grandma Meador. She didn't play with it a whole lot when she first received it, but it gets lots of love these days. She wants to bring it everywhere we go, buckle it in a seatbelt in the car, tuck it into her tiny pack-n-play at night, etc. The role of "Mama" to her baby is taken very seriously, and it's been pretty hilarious watching the whole thing. Her and Colby play "family" all the time, and he takes care of a boy doll.
On this particular day, they begged me to bring their babies to Costco. In general, I don't like bringing toys into public places because I don't like thinking about all the germs, but I figured I would let them. What I wasn't planning on, haha, was all the strange looks from strangers because of how realistic Brooke's baby doll looks!!
People would literally look at her, then do a double take to see if it was in fact, a REAL baby. After the first few looks, it became totally comical to me. I wondered what people were thinking about me, allowing my 6 year old daughter to carry a baby around on her shoulders, haha.
At one point, the babies ended up sitting in the front of the cart, and a lady stopped me to tell me what great neck support my baby had, haha. And while we sat eating pizza in the food court, a woman stopped by our cart, then started chuckling. She said, "I was just about to tell you that your baby is a doll, but then I realized that it really WAS a doll." So funny!
I love watching Brooke with that baby, and although I sometimes gets annoyed that she wants to take it everywhere, I also adore how thoughtful and sweet she is about her baby. I want more than anything to have another baby for her to mother, but since I don't now if that is going to happen, I have to let her mother this baby doll.
She has a lot of love to give!
6 days ago
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