Brooke had the whole week of Thanksgiving off, and I'm so glad she did! We filled it with lots of fun, and one of our highlights was going to the Fort Worth Zoo. The kids really wanted to feed the giraffes, but holy cow, it's expensive! It was $6 for a bundle of lettuce, which was actually only 3 large pieces. Only the tallest giraffes could reach the lettuce, but they weren't shy about getting it from the kids. Brooke was brave and held on to her lettuce as the giraffe used his long black tongue to get it from her hand.

Colby, on the other hand, had the most disgusted face and everyone around us was cracking up. He didn't like the long black tongue, and he didn't like that the whole experience was over in like 3 seconds. They both wanted to feed them again, but I told them that it was too expensive. They kept asking, and when I asked if Colby wanted to use some of his birthday money, he immediately said yes. Maybe that's weird to make him pay for it, but I want them to understand about money and only buying things that they really value. In this case, it was lettuce, haha.

After getting the second bundle, I instructed the kids to tear the lettuce into small pieces so they would last longer, and I gave Colby two pieces since it was his birthday money. I was putting my wallet away just as the giraffe came over and used his long tongue to grab both of Colby's pieces before he even knew what was going on! It was kind of ridiculous, and when I asked Colby why he didn't move away, the guy next to me said, "It's not his fault, the same thing happened to me." Hahaha, such sly giraffes.
Since we were going all out at the zoo, I decided to buy the bird seed sticks as well, and luckily they only cost $1. It took forever for the birds to warm up and approach the sticks, but Brooke and Colby both really loved the whole experience. We spent a long time in the aviary, and I loved watching my littles do something new.
We spent 4 hours at the zoo, and it was really such a beautiful day together.
The next day was Thanksgiving, and the day started with an early morning boat ride. Kevin's cousins Quinn and Cameron came down with Papa, and we had a smooth morning at the lake. Kevin and the boys took turns surfing and wake boarding, and Brooke took a liking to Quinn.
We came back to the house to get showered and ready for the day, and since we were running low on time, I asked Brooke to wash the fruit for me. Not only did she wash all the grapes and strawberries, she asked me if she could cut them all. I took out the strawberry stems for her, but she did the rest herself! I just adore this girl, and was so grateful for her helpful heart.
Jerry and Bev were hosting dinner, so we headed to Flower Mound to help finish preparations and enjoy the meal. As always, we took a few family pictures before we ate...
The kids colored on this cute table covering Auntie Mel Mel brought.
Doesn't this look delicious?? Everything was SO good! I can say that because I only brought the fruit and sweet potatoes. I definitely got the easy assignments.
Cute girls with their fancy stemware...
We all ate way too much, but pie is always a part of Thanksgiving, right? Kevin made himself a pie sampler, and I took a sample from his sampler, haha. I was just too stuffed to eat much more than that!
Cutest turkey on the block...
The day after Thanksgiving, we began decking the halls for Christmas and the kids were very involved in the whole process. I loved filling my home with the sounds of Christmas while my kids played together. It all seemed to go pretty quickly, which pleasantly surprised me.
That evening, we met up with all the family to see Ralph Breaks The Internet. As we drove to the theatre, Brooke informed me that she wanted to sit by Quinn :) She was pretty disappointed when I told her that the big boys were going to a different movie. But the disappointment didn't last long as soon as she met up with her cousins.
Saturday was the long-awaited Disney on Ice show, and Brooke chose to wear her Merida dress. I tried to do a fancy princess hairstyle on Brooke, and she totally loved it. Mom win :)
Brooke kept asking Colby if he wanted to dress up, but since he only had a knight costume, he said no. About 30 minutes into our drive, he decided that he DID want to dress up, but that he would wear his puppy costume "to be warm". Hahaha, I explained that he would have to dress up next year.
This is the third year that Grandma and Papa have treated us to the Ice Show, and it's been a really fun tradition!
I love seeing the wonder and amazement on their sweet little faces..
Uncle Roy, Aunt Celine, Cameron, Quinn, Katelin, and Michael all joined us as well, so we were quite the party...
On Sunday, we brought the Christmas tree down from the attic to complete our Christmas decorating. I love our tall, beautiful tree! I prefer the white lights, but any chance the kids got, they would switch the lights to colorful.
And last, but not least, Brooke and Colby used their Home Depot kids to create cute little gingerbread men to hang on their bedroom doors.
And just like that, our break was over!!