The Easter Fun all started with an egg hunt at Little Hearts. I totally missed the memo about bringing a dozen filled eggs, so after drop-off, I had to run to Target and buy supplies to fill eggs and write names on each egg for the kids in Brookie's class. Parents were invited to come back and watch the hunt that afternoon, which I did.
They even invited the residents of Watercrest (the Memory Care facility behind Little Hearts) to come and watch the kids hunt for eggs. I absolutely love that her school makes a monthly visit to see the residents because I imagine it gets really lonely for them. (You can see them at the top of this picture.)
Colby had fun playing with his buddy Lawson, whose brother is in Brooke's class. We've spent a lot of time with them at the park after school this year, which has been pretty great. Their mom, Kelly, is super easy going and a lot of fun.
On Good Friday, we met Kinley, Aubrey, Auntie Mel Mel, and Grandma at the nail salon to use our gift certificates from Mother's Day, haha. I don't know why it was so hard to coordinate a time to get together, but since Kinley had the day off school, it worked out perfectly.
Brooke was so excited to get a pedicure with me, and I loved sitting next to her and seeing her sweet face as the nail techs talked to her. She gets shy at times, but she seemed pretty confident in telling them that she wanted bunnies painted on her toes.
I opted to go for matching hot pink nails with my girl. It was a special treat, and something we rarely do because it's so expensive! I used the whole $100 GC for Brooke and I to get manicures and pedicures! I did gel on my nails, but still, so expensive!!
We loved our girl outing, and everyone's nails looked great.
Meanwhile, Colby had a man-date with Papa, haha. Papa even had to change a poopy diaper, so he won mega points as babysitter. When we showed up, Colby was out vacuuming leaves for Papa to earn some money and he was eager to show me his two dollars.
The next day, we headed to the Walnut Ridge Egg Hunt. I took the kids last year and had a blast, and Brooke has been asking about this event for months. All the activities are free, and the grande finale is a gigantic egg hunt in the grassy field.
Colby even experienced his first fire truck! Brooke was too nervous to go inside, even after the fire fighter offered to let me climb inside as well, haha.
Their favorite event was probably the bunny pen, even though our time inside was limited.
Brooke also did the giant inflatable obstacle course, and found a school friend inside the bounce house. Colby was content to wander with Daddy :)
Kevin and I decided to divide and conquer for the egg hunt so we could each keep track of a kid. They were both totally into it, and Colby was huffing and puffing as he tried to quickly put eggs into his basket. It was seriously hilarious. Kevin said he could barely keep up with Brooke, and her basket was completely full within 5 minutes.
It was another great year at Walnut Ridge, and I'm sure we'll be back again next year to take another picture by that cute bunny.
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