My beautiful girl is FOUR! Time is so crazy sometimes, but we love watching our little girl's personality grow and blossom every day. Miss Danielle was able to capture some precious images, and I love that each expression is a bit different.

As we were getting ready for the pictures, I had the thought that I should bring a framed picture of our angel baby's last sonogram to include in the sibling picture, but I worried about whether or not that would be weird. I really battled it out in my head, and decided that it might be too strange. Then, I decided that I would just take it in my backpack in case I changed my mind. We were almost done with pictures, and I asked Danielle to take a few with Colby as well, and shared with her my inner struggle about including the sonogram picture. I am so grateful for her advice. She encouraged me to do it, and worst case scenario, I could just delete them or choose to keep them private. As soon as I pulled the frame out, I knew it was right. I was a little emotional as I watched my babies holding a picture of their sibling that they wouldn't meet in this life. I will forever cherish the way Colby is looking at Brooke, and the way Brooke is holding that frame because she actually understood what the picture represented. Saying that I am grateful to be a mother is a gross understatement, but my heart is full when I look at these pictures.
Here's a comparison shot from the last 4 years...