Poor Papa has had a rough couple of months with multiple foot surgeries, but we tried to visit him and send love as often as possible. He missed seeing his grandkids and spending time with them. I could tell that Brooke was a little hesitant to go near Papa in his hospital bed, but by the end of the visit, she had snuggled up next to him to do a look-and-find together.
One evening, as Kevin was out doing year work, Colby decided that he wanted to be in the car. The moment I set him in, he stood up, grabbed the wheel, then leaned over and started pushing ALL the buttons, haha. I took him out several times, and he would go back to the car, say "car", then make a car noise. It starts young I guess, haha.
Brooke was invited to a 5th birthday party for her friend Charlie from soccer. Brooke talked about the party for weeks, but it really made me nervous. I wasn't sure if it was expected that I would just drop her off, but I wasn't comfortable with the idea at all. Her parents were the soccer coaches, and they seemed like nice enough people, but I just didn't feel right about dropping my 3 year old off at their house. I finally texted the Mom to find out if it would be okay if I stayed "since Brooke was only 3", haha. I figured that by stating her age, I would justify my protectiveness! The Mom said that was totally fine, and she said that Charlie was really hoping that Brooke would be there. I had to take her picture because she was so darn excited. We had gone to the toy store to find the perfect gift, and came home with a Moana barbie. We showed up at the party, and Brooke was the only kid there for a while, so her and Charlie had a great time. They had rented a huge bounce house, and the girls had a great time playing together. I just mingled with the other adult family members there and tried to work on my conversation skills. I am always so busy with my kids that it's rare for me to have an uninterrupted conversation with another adult.
One afternoon, I was feeling brave and I let Brooke paint her own toenails. It looked rather messy, but she has to start somewhere, right? Nothing that a little nail polish remover and a Q-tip couldn't fix :)
I rarely practice the piano because when I do, the kids swarm to me and want their turn playing (pounding) on the piano. Colby was pretty happy to sit there and pound away.
We met our play group friends at the park after story time, and Brooke and Elias had fun together on the teeter-totter. I don't feel like Brooke plays with Elias very often, so it was fun to see them together.
One HOT afternoon, Brooke and I heard the ice cream truck. I had explained the concept the previous week when we heard him, but it was right before dinner, so I told we couldn't buy ice cream. This particular day, the timing was perfect, so I introduced her to the novelty of the ice cream man. I grabbed some cash and we flagged him down. I couldn't believe that the ice cream bars were in the $3-5 range...but I felt like we had already committed. I was sure that Brooke would pick one of the ice cream bars with the gumball eyes (the ones I used to love), but she chose a simple fudge bar. I chose a huge banana and fudge bar to share with Colby. The kids were so thrilled, and as we sat on the driveway, we talked about how fun that was, but I reminded them that we couldn't do it often because it was super expensive! I told Brooke that my friends and I used to wash cars in our neighborhood to have money to buy ice cream from the man who would drive his truck around our neighborhood every afternoon during the summer. It really brought back a lot of memories.
Colby knows the drill that when he goes poop, it's time to change his diaper. I had carried him into my room, and I set him down on the floor in my bathroom while I grabbed the diaper and wipes. I handed him the diaper, and he scooted over to the carpet, laid down, and waited for me, haha. It was pretty funny.
And last, but not least, was Brooke helping me type out the menu for our vacation. I took responsibility for creating a menu for our family trip to the beach, but I then needed to put together all the recipes, make lists of ingredients, create a shopping list, etc. I was really happy to do it, but it took WAY longer than I anticipated. Brooke was trying to be patient as I typed and organized everything, but finally said, "You can type what you want to eat, and I'll type what I want to eat." It was pretty hilarious, so I let her have a turn :)
6 days ago
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