First up on the Easter activity list was dying (and coloring) Easter eggs! I bought a kit for "glossy" eggs, which was a little different than your traditional dip-in-the-dye method. You basically painted a shiny coating on the eggs, which was far less messy and a total win in my book. I just gave Colby some markers, and he went to town.
My friend Shelby mentioned that she normally goes to the Walnut Ridge Easter celebration, so we figured we would go as well. Kevin was at a scouting thing for church, so I was on my own with the kids. (This is the same church where Brooke plays soccer, and I was totally impressed with their free event.) We met up with Shelby and her family just as they were about to go on this huge slide. They let Brookie hop in line with them, and I was surprised that she was totally okay with going on her own. It really was a huge inflatable, and she had never done anything like that before. She loved it though, and I was proud of her for being brave.

They did an inflatable obstacle course, a tiny bounce house, and then we entered Colby into the "diaper dash." Shelby suggested that I go try it, but when I saw that all the other moms had small babies, I felt kind of silly. The relay was for babies who weren't quite walking, and although Colby fit the category, I just felt like I was cheating or something because he was so big! I walked away, but then a little bit later we went back over and I just asked the requirements, and they totally let him in. Shelby offered to sit with Colby at the starting line so that I could be at the end, coaxing him to the finish line (where they had little rubber ducks as incentives, haha!). I told her to hold him tight because he would probably just go straight for the duck, but he proved me wrong! They said go, and he just sat there! I think he was overwhelmed and confused by all the shouting and cheering from people around the fence. The other 3 babies got the hang of it, and one baby was almost to the finish line when Colby TOOK OFF! He is so darn fast with his bum scoot that he beat the little girl that was literally almost to the finish line when he started. My boy won the diaper dash, and it was so so hilarious. One lady said, "Woah, that kid came out of nowhere." Hahaha, it really was so funny to watch. We won a box of diapers, so I was pretty stoked about that. I just wish Kevin would have seen it in person.

Then it was on to the little petting zoo. Colby saw the bucket of brushes and kept saying "brush" and "pease", until I relented and let him brush those sheep and goats. He loved it so much, as did Brooke. They had a small trailer with other animals as well, but it was so crowded, so we didn't stay long.
Last, but not least, was the Easter egg hunt! Brooke was so excited to be there with her friends Pyper and Presley. There were so many kids there, but the church had like 10,000 eggs in the field, so everyone went home with something.
We left right after the hunt because I had plans at noon with friends.
Then Sunday was Easter, and although I had tried all month to explain the true meaning of Easter, the kids (mostly Brooke) were most excited about the Easter bunny visiting our house.
After church, family (minus Papa who was still in the hospital from foot surgery) came over for lunch and an Easter celebration. All three girls received Moana barbies from the Easter bunny, and they were constantly pushing the buttons on their dolls to make them sing. It was noisy, but fun!
Waiting for the hunt to begin...
Kevin and Jeff hid the 6 dozen eggs Melanie and I filled.
The kids had a blast, but surprised me with how quickly they gathered up all of those eggs.
I helped Colby Buddy since I didn't want him scooting all over the grass and getting grass stains on his shorts.
The perks of being with Mama are that you get the eggs hidden up in the trees :)
Full baskets...
We sure missed having Papa there, but we Facetimed with him so that he felt somewhat part of the day's festivities.
I am so grateful for this family of mine, and for our baby on the way. I had felt so so sick in the mooning, so we actually missed church. Of all the weeks to miss, I hated missing Easter Sunday, but I also felt so awful that I didn't think I could physically make it to church. On top of the pregnancy nausea, I also had some sort of cold that was accompanied by aches and chills. Since we were hosting, I was supposed to wake up early to get a roast in the crock pot, so Kevin woke up with me and was super helpful getting everything ready for the dinner. He let me go back to bed for a few hours while he took care of the kids. It was exactly what I needed to be able to function for the rest of the day.

I am so thankful for the chance we had to celebrate the Easter season, and I'm forever grateful that our Savior rose again on that third day. I bought a book (that came late) about ways to make Easter more meaningful with young kids, and I'm excited to implement all the ideas next year with my cute little people.