We had our New Beginnings on February 7th, and I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out! My second counselor was in charge of the evening since she is over the Beehives, but I spent a lot of time planning with her. She was kind of nervous since she hadn't ever served in YW before, so I told her what we've done in the past, what worked well, what didn't, etc, and tried to let her make the final call. I am learning that I have a hard time relinquishing control. I like to be in charge so that I can ensure that things go as I have planned...but I know that it shouldn't always be MY way.
She did a great job with the program, and I was in charge of introducing the theme of the evening, which we chose to align with the 2017 Mutual Theme. I felt like I had some divine intervention when preparing my thoughts. My thoughts were feeling pretty scattered, but in the end, it all came together.
I made these handouts for the girls to hang on their door or in their room somewhere. I also decided to use our birthday budget and order gifts for all the girls that went with the mutual theme. I gave them choices: a keychain, bracelet, or a necklace. All of the Etsy sellers were awesome and gave me discounts since I was ordering lots of the same items.
I love this group of girls and am thankful for the opportunity I have to learn from them every day!
6 days ago
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