On March 7th, we registered this little lady for Preschool! Registration opened at 8 am, and we were told that there would be a line. I wasn't sure how early I needed to get there, but I planned on being there by 7:15. It was closer to 7:30 when I got there, but the parking lot seemed pretty bare. I rounded the corner, and say 7 people already in a line. I was immediately sick! The director had told me that they have space for 32 students in the PreK class, and if all 27 kids from the 3 year old class moved up, there would be 5 spots available. With 7 people ahead of me, the odds were not good. As I waited, I did realize that there was a chance that these parents had kids in the younger group, so I tired to have faith. At 8, they opened the doors and handed out numbers. We then waited in the auditorium for our number to be called. My friend Shelby (Pyper's mom) had been the one that recommended the place, and a week before registration, she found out that they require you to take a tour before you can register. That seemed crazy to me, and the director didn't mention that at my tour when I asked for extra registration forms for my friends. Shelby decided to come anyway just to try her luck, but as we were sitting there, they came and told her again that she had to take a tour first "so that they could meet her family" etc. Basically it is their screening process, haha! I felt awful, but at least I wouldn't be taking Pyper's spot since she would be in the upper 3's class.
When they called my number, we walked back and they informed us that Brooke got the last spot!! I seriously wanted to cry I was so relieved and so happy! I really feel that this is going to be a good experience for Brooke, so I have the next few months to get used to the idea of her being gone a few days a week.
Oh, and then we went for donuts to celebrate!
6 days ago
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