My Mom sent Brooke a new Snow White dress (in a size up from her last one), and she was so excited to put it on. I can tell that she feels so beautiful in her dresses, and I love seeing her happy smiles when she dresses up each day.
One day, while at Home Depot, I gave Colby a can of spray paint to hold because he was being super loud. About a minute later, I feel something slam against my foot and I almost swore (which is not something I ever do!). Colby had chucked the can straight to my foot, and I was in serious pain. Brooke started questioning what was wrong, and when I mentioned that my foot was hurting, she reached down and started patting my foot. I quickly told her to stop, and after I regained my composure, I hobbled to the front to check out.
Since we were just going across the parking lot to Target, I didn't strap the kids in, and figured that it would be fine. As I drove down the aisle, I look over to see Colby standing up, and trying to climb over the back of the head rest! I shouted to Brooke to get out of her seat and grab Colby. It was almost too funny not to laugh. He is seriously different than Brooke was at this age. I parked the car, and opened the back to take a picture of these two. Good thing I have Brooke to help me when I make parenting mistakes, haha!
This is Colby's new thing when he wants to be picked up...He was really enjoying the sour cream with his flautas, haha!
Brooke continues to love dance, and I rarely have to threaten to cancel her classes (when she won't get dressed in the morning). This particular morning, she wanted puppy to wear her cute leg warmers, then requested that I take a picture.
Sunday mornings have become a whole lot crazier now that we have church at 9am. On the weeks that I have ward counsel, I leave the house at 6:50, and Kevin is left to get the kids up and ready. I always lay out their clothes, and pack the bag, but it's hard to wake the kids up and get them moving in the morning. One night, I braided Brooke's hair so that it would be wavy in the morning. Her and her friend Charli were kind of coordinating, so Nikki took a picture of the girls together. She is so lucky to have so many older friends who adore her and offer to walk her to Primary each week. (I still follow behind them because I am a control freak like that.)
Colby didn't make it for Sunday pictures.
Colby outgrew his baby carrier/car seat, so I told Brooke that we were going to order her a new seat so that Colby could have her current one. Her immediate reaction was "I will NEVER give up on my car seat." Hahaha! She was pretty adamant, but once she saw the new car seat had aqua straps, she decided that she was okay with the change.Another picture to document this princess phase. Her favorite game is to drop her shoes around the house, and ask me to come find "the missing princess." She also likes to pretend that she is asleep and waiting for someone to come give her a kiss.
Colby can now reach door knobs, with or without the assistance of the stool. Once he learns how to turn them, we are in serious trouble.
Playing at the play ground is getting a lot more fun as Colby grows up. He can now hold his own on the teeter totter, which makes Sissy very happy.
One Saturday, we went on a family outing to get something to fix the lawnmower. Brooke REALLY wanted to go into 7-11 with Kevin, and seeing them come out hand-in-hand made my heart happy. She adores him, and loves to feel like his little sidekick.
Colby is also a big Daddy fan and kept shouting to him from the house as he watched Kevin mow the yard.
We arranged a play date with Auntie Mel Mel, and it was a lot of fun! What started out as a quick story while I was dealing with Brooke's tantrum in the other room, turned into everyone crowded around Melanie as she read Peppa stories. (About the tantrum: Brooke did not want Kinley to see her new unicorn toy, and Kinley kept asking to see it. I took Brookie in the other room to have a chat since I wasn't excited about a play date with constant fights. We talked about sharing and the fact that she could play with her toy any time she wanted. She finally agreed to let her see it, and the rest of the day went great. I'm not sure why she was so darn stubborn at the beginning, but I'm proud of her for snapping out of it.)
That afternoon, we went for a walk to feed the ducks. There were signs of spring everywhere, which I was absolutely loving!
Brooke gathered about a zillion dandelions, and made the most beautiful bouquet of the weeds :)