My little chunk is 8 months old! This is such a fun stage, and I love seeing his personality develop more and more each day. Things to note this month: he has (mostly) mastered sitting! I say "mostly", because he still throws himself backwards every once in a while. I am not really sure why he does it, but it scares me to death. I normally make sure he has a pillow or something soft behind him to soften the blow, but he hasn't always been so lucky.
This picture cracks me up because Colby looks like such a giant baby, haha. I was at the Stake Center all day for Youth Conference, and I guess Colby was getting a little fussy. Like I mentioned in our anniversary post, this baby is not a fan of bottles. Kevin was able to get him down for a nap, but when he woke up, needed a change of scenery. I pulled up to the house to find them like this, and I was dying laughing. He is such a good Daddy and did a great job holding down the fort in my absence.
My little laundry helper :) He really is the happiest guy, as long as I am near! He was crying when I left him to switch laundry, so I went back to the living room, scooped him up, and set him in the basket while I unloaded the dry clothes.
He LOVES to eat. And holding the spoon is like hitting the jackpot...
First time using the cart cover at Costco. Picture speaks for itself, haha...
Decided that he likes to sit up in his bath sling...
We'll call it a wrap with this last picture of my sleeping babe. I can't remember where we were heading, but I had to wake him up to get him in the car. Waking a sleeping baby is on my list of things I HATE doing, but sometimes, it has to be done.
6 days ago
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