Tuesday, May 3, 2016

colby-6 months

Fun things to remember about this month: Colby is super interested in whatever it is we are eating.  During pizza/movie night, he kept lunging for my pizza, so I finally gave him the crust to hold and chew on.  You'd think he won the lottery, haha.  On April 19th, he slept 11 hours, which was by far the record.  I, unfortunately, was up multiple times during the night due to thunder storms and needing to pump. On the 20th, he discovered his tongue and was clicking and playing with it all day.  He slept 9 hours the next two nights, and I was hopeful that this was the new normal.  He rolled over in his pack and play on the 22nd, and slept 12 hours.  On the 29th, both bottom teeth popped through, which also explains why he was loving his popsicles so much. At the end of the month, he started saying "mum" more consistently, and was talking and squealing at the High Priest social we hosted at our house.  He is quite the social boy :)
I can't help myself...I love pictures of my sleeping baby.  He just looks so angelic and squishy. He doesn't care for his paci anymore, which is so totally opposite of Brooke.  He just likes to nurse to sleep, and then I can lay him down.
Colby continues to be a happy boy, which I am so thankful for.  I love that little smile, and it's cute to see those tiny teeth popping through.
He looks like a giant in the swing now!!  But, he still enjoys swinging in there, especially if Brooke is playing nearby.
Our big boy was 19 pounds, 4.5 ounces and 27.5 inches at his 6 month cehck-up.  Miss Brooke was a great helper.  He had to get several immunizations, but Brooke was right there to "help him be brave".  I sincerely hope that she will always be a protector to her baby brother. He was crying on the way home, and when I went to get him from the car, he had a huge alligator tear by his eye.  I hate that he was in pain and upset by his shots, but I DO know that they are so beneficial.  Sometimes being a parent is tough, though!

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