I really think it has been 100 degrees all summer! What do you do when it is super hot?? Spend time in/near the water, of course. Brooke loves digging and building castles at Joe Pool Lake.
We met Joanna there one afternoon, and thankfully, it was SUPER windy, which made the heat bearable. I guess the picture is deceiving with Brooke's long sleeves...but I was trying to protect her from a sunburn. And once the rash guard is wet, it keeps her pretty cool.
Ventured over to the "sprays" at Uptown Village in Cedar Hill.
They conveniently have a Menchie's Frozen Yogurt right next to the sprays, so that was our next stop.
Have I mentioned that Colby LOVES ice cream? He does, and he cries when I stop feeding it to him.
Colby and I were pretty hot watching Sissy run around and play, but we survived and it was nice to do something different. Colby doesn't not look impressed, hahaha.

Brooke made a few little friends that afternoon, which is fun for me to see. And I love that she didn't seem to notice or care that all the kids were either black or Mexican. It was the morning after the shootings in Dallas over the whole "Black Lives Matter" nonsense, so it was refreshing to see that kids don't see color. One little girl cut her toe while they were playing together, and she came up to me and commented that her toe was bleeding. I asked where her Mom was, and she pointed to a table a little ways off. I told the girl to let her Mom know, and I had this feeling that I should go get a bandaid from my car. I brushed the feeling aside, then again, felt strongly that I should go get the girl a bandaid. So, I got the kids ready to head to the car, and as I passed the Mom, let her know that I would be right back with a bandaid. She seemed really surprised that I would go all the way to my car to get a bandaid, so by then, I was really hoping I actually had one, haha. It seems like a small thing, but maybe it was a big deal to that lady. Or maybe it just seemed like a bigger deal in light of the events that had transpired the night before.

Colby was a wreck by the time we were ready to leave, so I took off his shirt and nursed him in the car. Muscle shirt + white upper arms= a very cute combination.
We used our season passes one Saturday to go to Hawaiian Falls with Daddy. We haven't used them as much this summer because it is harder for me to go alone with the kids, but it's been fun nonetheless.
Brooke wanted to try the ropes course again, and was able to complete it with Daddy's assistance.
This last picture should be titled, "What NOT to do on a hot day". I had a hellacious time hooking the bike trailer up, then after riding around the block once, felt like the tire was flat. I couldn't figure out how to pump up Kevin's road bike tires, so we had to call it a day. I have since learned how to pump them up, so at least I won't feel like a total moron the next time I try to take them on a ride.