Tuesday, February 2, 2016

colby-3 months old

Colby (also lovingly referred to as: Colby Bunches, Lovie, Baby Bear, Little Prince, and Buster) turned 3 months old on February 2nd.
This picture cracks me up because I think it looks like he is pounding his fist, like "This is the last picture, Mom, or else."  Hahaha.  
Brooke really likes to "help" me with the monthly pictures, but she is always super close to him when making him smile...so I don't get great pictures of just him.  But I do love to document those cute siblings together anyway.

 He weighed 14 lbs, 9 oz on the 8th when I had to take him to see Dr. Joki for a cough, which turned out to be RSV.  It was a rough few weeks at our house, and really not much I could do for the little guy.  We ran the humidifier all night, used saline spray in his nose, suctioned whenever he sounded especially congested, and gave him a lot of extra loves.  He would wake up every 2 hours, and had a difficult time nursing due to his congestion.  Dr. Joki cautioned me to do all I could to make sure he was nursing enough and having at least 6 wet diapers a day to avoid dehydration, which would probably land him in the hospital.  So, of course I started tracking his wet diapers and being overly paranoid about everything.  Despite his difficulty nursing, he was still having really wet diapers, so I guess he was getting all that he needed?  And even though his breathing sounded awful, and we had several scary coughing attacks, he was still a pretty happy little baby.
 (We were at the doctor's office for almost 2 hours, which was totally ridiculous, but this season has been awful for sickness.  You could hear kids coughing in every room! Brooke and I resorted to taking pictures of ourselves because we were bored, haha.)
 Poor sick baby...
 I propped him up with the boppy to help elevate his stuffy nose.
 The smiles were a welcome sight after hearing his labored breathing and seeing him feel so crummy.
All tuckered out from playing with his toys.
This is not a flattering picture of me, but I loved that after I nursed him, he was totally bear-hugging me.  I love newborn snuggles so much, and although he is getting bigger, he is still pretty snuggly, especially when he's milk drunk.
I bought Colby this adorable grandpa sweater, and made sure that Daddy wore his matching sweater to church.  Thankfully, Kevin was a good sport, and I think they looked adorable.  Colby looks pretty ticked, but he was ready for some milk.
One day, while playing at the park, I noticed that his hair was looking so fluffy!  I loved the little duck wisps in the back, and had to document it.
Nothing is better than a sleeping baby...except maybe a happy, chubby, smiling baby :)
Other things to note this month: Colby went on his first plane ride (to Miami), slept 7 hours at night (only happened once), and constantly blows spit bubbles and raspberries.  Oh, and he tries to fit his whole fist in his mouth :)

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